Section: New Results
Particle Swarm Optimization for reduced order Hinfini controllers with constraints handling
Participants : Guillaume Sandou, Gilles Duc [Supelec (E3S) Control Department] , Mohamed Yagoubi [Ecole des Mines de Nante] .
Efficient dedicated methods have been developed for Hinfinity controller synthesis. However, such methods require translating the design objectives using weighting filters, whose tuning is not easy; in addition they lead to high order controllers which have to be reduced. A particle swarm optimization method is used to solve both problems successively: after having optimized the filters according to the design specifications using a full order controller but no reformulation of the constraints, a reduced-order one is computed using the obtained filters. Experimental tests for a pendulum in the cart exhibit much than satisfactory results [95] , [52] . In addition, the design of Hinfinity static output feedback has been done and tested using the Compleib librairy and exhibiting similar results to those obtained with the HIFOO solver [86] .