
Major publications by the team in recent years
  • 1S. Abbes, A. Benveniste.

    True-concurrency probabilistic models: Markov nets and a law of large numbers, in: Theoretical Computer Science, 2008, vol. 390, no 2-3, p. 129-170.
  • 2A. Benveniste, E. Fabre, C. Jard, S. Haar.

    Diagnosis of asynchronous discrete event systems, a net unfolding approach, in: IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, May 2003, vol. 48, no 5, p. 714–727.
  • 3T. Chatain, C. Jard.

    Complete finite prefixes of symbolic unfoldings of safe time Petri nets, in: Proc. of ICATPN, LNCS, June 2006, no 4024, p. 125–145.
  • 4E. Fabre, A. Benveniste.

    Partial Order Techniques for Distributed Discrete Event Systems: why you can't avoid using them, in: Journal of Discrete Event Dynamic Systems (JDEDS), 2007, vol. 17, p. 355-403.
  • 5E. Fabre.

    Trellis Processes: a Compact Representation for Runs of Concurrent Systems, in: Journal of Discrete Event Dynamic Systems (JDEDS), 2007, vol. 17, no 3, p. 267–306.
  • 6E. Fabre, L. Jézéquel.

    Distributed optimal planning: an approach by weighted automata calculus, in: CDC, 2009, p. 211-216.
  • 7T. Gazagnaire, B. Genest, L. Hélouët, P. S. Thiagarajan, S. Yang.

    Causal Message Sequence Charts, in: Theoretical Computer Science (TCS), 2009, vol. 410, no 41, p. 4094-4110.
Publications of the year

Doctoral Dissertations and Habilitation Theses

  • 8B. Grabiec.

    Distributed system supervision using timed constrained unfoldings, ENS Cachan, 2011.

Articles in International Peer-Reviewed Journal

  • 9G. Aucher.

    DEL-Sequents for progression, in: Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics, 2011, to appear.
  • 10G. Aucher.

    DEL-Sequents for regression and epistemic planning, in: Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics, 2011, to appear.
  • 11G. Aucher, G. Boella, L. van der Torre.

    A dynamic logic for privacy compliance, in: Journal of artificial intelligence and law, 2011, vol. 19, no 2–3.
  • 12L. Bozzelli, A. Legay, S. Pinchinat.

    Hardness of preorder checking for basic formalisms, in: Theor. Comput. Sci., 2011, vol. 412, no 49, p. 6795-6808.
  • 13B. Caillaud, B. Delahaye, K. G. Larsen, A. Legay, M. L. Pedersen, A. Wasowski.

    Constraint Markov Chains, in: Theor. Comput. Sci., 2011, vol. 412, no 34, p. 4373-4404.
  • 14B. Delahaye, B. Caillaud, A. Legay.

    Probabilistic contracts: a compositional reasoning methodology for the design of systems with stochastic and/or non-deterministic aspects, in: Formal Methods in System Design, 2011, vol. 38, no 1, p. 1-32.
  • 15T. Gazagnaire, B. Genest, L. Hélouët, H. Marchand.

    Diagnosis from Scenarios and Applications, in: Journal of Discrete Events and Dynamic Systems, 2011, to appear.
  • 16L. Jezequel, E. Fabre.

    On the construction of probabilistic diagnosers for modular systems, in: Journal of Discrete Events Dynamical Systems, 2012, to appear.
  • 17J.-B. Raclet, E. Badouel, A. Benveniste, B. Caillaud, A. Legay, R. Passerone.

    A Modal Interface Theory for Component-based Design, in: Fundam. Inform., 2011, vol. 108, no 1-2, p. 119-149.

International Conferences with Proceedings

  • 18G. Aucher, S. Barker, G. Boella, V. Genovese, L. van der Torre.

    Dynamics in Delegation and Revocation Schemes: A Logical Approach, in: 25th IFIP WG 11.3 International Conference on Data and Applications Security and Privacy, DBSec 2011, Y. Li (editor), 2011, p. 90–105.
  • 19G. Aucher, B. Maubert, F. Schwarzentruber.

    Tableau Method and NEXPTIME-completeness of DEL-sequents, in: Proceedings of Methods for Modalities (M4M 2011), ENTCS, 2011.
  • 20S. S. Bauer, U. Fahrenberg, L. Juhl, K. G. Larsen, A. Legay, C. R. Thrane.

    Quantitative Refinement for Weighted Modal Transition Systems, in: MFCS, 2011, p. 60-71.
  • 21S. S. Bauer, U. Fahrenberg, L. Juhl, K. G. Larsen, A. Legay, C. Thrane.

    Quantitative Refinement for Weighted Modal Transition Systems, in: MFCS, Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science 2011 - 36th International Symposium, MFCS 2011, Warsaw, Poland, August 22-26 2011, p. 60-71.
  • 22S. S. Bauer, P. Mayer, A. Legay.

    MIO Workbench: A Tool for Compositional Design with Modal Input/Output Interfaces, in: ATVA, 2011, p. 418-421.
  • 23S. Bensalem, L. de Silva, A. Griesmayer, F. Ingrand, A. Legay, R. Yan.

    A Formal Approach for Incremental Construction with an Application to Autonomous Robotic Systems, in: Software Composition, 2011, p. 116-132.
  • 24S. Bensalem, A. Griesmayer, A. Legay, T.-H. Nguyen, J. Sifakis, R. Yan.

    D-Finder 2: Towards Efficient Correctness of Incremental Design, in: NASA Formal Methods, 2011, p. 453-458.
  • 25N. Bertrand, B. Genest.

    Minimal Disclosure in Partially Observable Markov Decision Processes, in: 31th IARCS Annual Conference on Foundations of Software Technology and Theoretical Computer Science (FSTTCS), 2011, vol. LIPIcs, to appear p.
  • 26A. Bouillard, A. Junier.

    Worst-case delay bounds with fixed priorities using network calculus, in: Proc. of Valuetools'2011, 2011.
  • 27A. Classen, P. Heymans, P.-Y. Schobbens, A. Legay.

    Symbolic model checking of software product lines, in: ICSE, 2011, p. 321-330.
  • 28P. Darondeau, L. Hélouët, M. Mukund.

    Assembling Sessions, in: ATVA, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer, 2011, vol. 6996, p. 259-274.
  • 29A. David, K. G. Larsen, A. Legay, M. Mikucionis, D. B. Poulsen, J. van Vliet, Z. Wang.

    Statistical Model Checking for Networks of Priced Timed Automata, in: FORMATS, 2011, p. 80-96.
  • 30A. David, K. G. Larsen, A. Legay, M. Mikucionis, Z. Wang.

    Time for Statistical Model Checking of Real-Time Systems, in: CAV, 2011, p. 349-355.
  • 31B. Delahaye, J.-P. Katoen, K. G. Larsen, A. Legay, M. L. Pedersen, F. Sher, A. Wasowski.

    Abstract Probabilistic Automata, in: VMCAI, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer, 2011, vol. 6538, p. 324-339.
  • 32B. Delahaye, K. G. Larsen, A. Legay, M. L. Pedersen, A. Wasowski.

    APAC: A Tool for Reasoning about Abstract Probabilistic Automata, in: QEST, 2011, p. 151-152.
  • 33B. Delahaye, K. G. Larsen, A. Legay, M. L. Pedersen, A. Wasowski.

    Decision Problems for Interval Markov Chains, in: LATA, 2011, p. 274-285.
  • 34U. Fahrenberg, A. Legay, C. Thrane.

    The Quantitative Linear-Time–Branching-Time Spectrum, in: FSTTCS, LIPIcs, Schloss Dagstuhl - Leibniz-Zentrum fuer Informatik, 2011, To appear.
  • 35U. Fahrenberg, A. Legay, A. Wasowski.

    Vision Paper: Make a Difference! (Semantically), in: Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems, 14th International Conference, MODELS 2011, Wellington, New Zealand, October 16-21 2011, p. 490-500.
  • 36U. Fahrenberg, A. Legay, A. Wasowski.

    Vision Paper: Make a Difference! (Semantically), in: MoDELS, 2011, p. 490-500.
  • 37U. Fahrenberg, C. Thrane, K. G. Larsen.

    Distances for Weighted Transition Systems: Games and properties, in: QAPL, Electronic Proceedings in Theoretical Computer Science, 2011, vol. 57, p. 134-147.
  • 38L. Jezequel, E. Fabre.

    Networks of automata with read arcs: a tool for distributed planning, in: IFAC World Congress, Sept. 2011.
  • 39A. Kattepur, A. Benveniste, C. Jard.

    Optimizing Decisions in Web Services Orchestrations, in: 9th International Conference on Service-Oriented Computing (ICSOC), Springer, 2011, p. 77-91.
  • 40A. Kattepur.

    Importance Sampling of Probabilistic Contracts in Web Services, in: 9th International Conference on Service-Oriented Computing (ICSOC), Springer, 2011, p. 557-565.
  • 41A. Kattepur, S. Sen, B. Baudry, A. Benveniste, C. Jard.

    Pairwise testing of dynamic composite services, in: 6th international symposium on Software engineering for adaptive and self-managing systems (SEAMS), New York, NY, USA, SEAMS '11, ACM, 2011, p. 138–147.

  • 42K. G. Larsen, A. Legay, L.-M. Traonouez, A. Wasowski.

    Robust Specification of Real Time Components, in: FORMATS, 2011, p. 129-144.
  • 43B. Masson, L. Hélouët, A. Benveniste.

    Compatibility of Data-Centric Web Services, in: WS-FM, 8th International Workshop on Web Services and Formal Methods, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer, 2011, to appear.
  • 44J. J. Ortiz, A. Legay, P.-Y. Schobbens.

    Distributed Event Clock Automata - Extended Abstract, in: CIAA, 2011, p. 250-263.
  • 45S. Palaniappan, S. Akshay, B. Genest, P. Thiagarajan.

    A Hybrid Factored Frontier Algorithm for Dynamic Bayesian Networks, in: 9th International Conference on Computational Methods in Systems Biology (CMSB), 2011, vol. ACM 978-1-4503-0817-5, p. 35-44.

National Conferences with Proceeding

  • 46R. Abdallah, C. Jard.

    An experiment in automatic generation of protocols from HMSCs, in: Notere, May 2011.

Conferences without Proceedings

  • 47G. Aucher, C. Barreau-Saliou, G. Boella, A. Blandin-Obernesser, S. Gambs, G. Piolle, L. van der Torre.

    The Coprelobri project : the logical approach to privacy, in: 2e Atelier Protection de la Vie Privée (APVP 2011), Sorèze, France, June 2011, 6 pages.

Scientific Books (or Scientific Book chapters)

  • 48G. Aucher.

    From belief to knowledge with a `sphere' semantics: axiomatizations, in: Dialogue, Rationality, Formalism., G. Heinzmann, M. Musiol, M. Rebuschi, A. Trognon (editors), Logic, Epistemology and the Unity of Science, Springer, 2011, to appear.
  • 49E. Fabre.

    C. Seatzu, M. Silva, J. H. van Schuppen (editors), Distributed Control of Large Plants; Chapter 5, Observers and automata, Springer, 2012, to appear.
  • 50S. Haar, E. Fabre.

    C. Seatzu, M. Silva, J. H. van Schuppen (editors), Distributed Control of Large Plants; Chapter 13, Diagnosis with Petri nets unfoldings, Springer, 2012, to appear.

Internal Reports

Other Publications

  • 55A. David, K. G. Larsen, A. Legay, M. Mikucionis, D. B. Poulsen, J. van Vliet, Z. Wang.

    Stochastic Semantics and Statistical Model Checking for Networks of Priced Timed Automata, 2011, CoRR.
References in notes
  • 56S. Abiteboul, O. Benjelloun, I. Manolescu, T. Milo, R. Weber.

    Active XML: A Data-Centric Perspective on Web Services, in: BDA'02, 2002.
  • 57T. Andrews, F. Curbera, H. Dholakia, Y. Goland, J. Klein, F. Leymann, K. Liu, D. Roller, D. Smith, S. Thatte, I. Trickovic, S. Weerawarana.

    Business Process Execution Language for Web Services (BPEL4WS). Version 1.1, 2003.

  • 58M. G. Buscemi, V. Sassone.

    High-Level Petri Nets as Type Theories in the Join Calculus, in: FoSSaCS, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer, 2001, vol. 2030, p. 104-120.
  • 59C. Cassandras, S. Lafortune.

    Introduction to discrete event systems, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1999.
  • 60R. Devillers, H. Klaudel.

    Solving Petri net recursions through finite representation, in: IASTED International Conference on Advances in Computer Science and Technology, ACST'2004, ACTA Press, 2004, p. 145-150, ISBN 0-88986-497-3.
  • 61E. Fabre, L. Jézéquel.

    Distributed Optimal Planning: an Approach by Weighted Automata Calculus, in: Conference on Detection and Control (CDC), 2009.
  • 62E. Fabre, P. Peloso, P. Pecci.

    Method and equipment for adjusting power amplification in an optical network, in: European patents EP 09290408 and EP 09290409, 2009.
  • 63R. Fagin, J. Halpern, Y. Moses, M. Vardi.

    Reasoning about knowledge, MIT Press, 1995.
  • 64P. Gastin, K. Narayan. Kumar, M. Mukund.

    Reachability and boundedness in time-constrained MSC graphs, in: Perspectives in Concurrency Theory, festchrift for P.S. Thiagarajan, 2008.
  • 65Å. Hagström, S. Jajodia, F. Parisi-Presicce, D. Wijesekera.

    Revocations-A Classification, in: Procs. of CSFW-14, 2001, p. 44-58.
  • 66J. Halpern, Y. Moses.

    Knowledge and common knowledge in a distributed environment, in: Journal of the ACM, 1990, vol. 37, no 3, p. 549–587.
  • 67 ITU-TS.

    ITU-TS Recommendation Z.120: Message Sequence Chart (MSC), ITU-TS, Geneva, September 1999.
  • 68L. Jezequel, E. Fabre, P. Haslum, S. Thiebaux.

    Cost-Optimal Factored Planning: Promises and Pitfalls, in: ICAPS, Int. Conf. on Applications of Planning and Scheduling, May 2010.
  • 69D. Kitchin, W.R. Cook, J. Misra.

    A Language for Task Orchestration and Its Semantic Properties, in: CONCUR'06, 2006, p. 477-491.
  • 70J.-J. C. Meyer, W. van der Hoek.

    Epistemic Logic for AI and Computer Science, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1995.
  • 71J. Misra.

    A Programming Model for the Orchestration of Web Services, in: SEFM, IEEE Computer Society, 2004, p. 2-11.
  • 72M. Nielsen, G. Plotkin, G. Winskel.

    Petri nets, event structures and domains, part 1, in: Theoretical Computer Science, 1981.
  • 73 Object Management Group.

    Unified Modeling Language Specification version 2.0: Superstructure, OMG, 2003, no pct/03-08-02.
  • 74W. Reisig.

    Petri nets, Springer Verlag, 1985.
  • 75M. Reniers, S. Mauw.

    High-level Message Sequence Charts, in: SDL97: Time for Testing - SDL, MSC and Trends, Evry, France, A. Cavalli, A. Sarma (editors), Proceedings of the Eighth SDL Forum, September 1997, p. 291-306.
  • 76M. Reniers.

    Message Sequence Charts: Syntax and Semantics, Eindhoven University of Technology, 1998.
  • 77E. Rudolph, P. Graubman, J. Grabowski.

    Tutorial On Message Sequence Charts, in: Computer Networks and ISDN Systems, 1996, vol. 28, p. 1629-1641.
  • 78G. Winskel.

    Event structures semantics in CCS and related languages, in: Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer Verlag, 1982, vol. 140.
  • 79G. Winskel.

    Categories of Models for Concurrency, in: Seminar on Concurrency, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer, 1985, vol. 197, p. 246-267.
  • 80J. van Benthem, J. Gerbrandy, E. Pacuit.

    Merging Frameworks for Interaction: DEL and ETL, in: Theoretical Aspect of Rationality and Knowledge (TARK XI), Brussels, D. Samet (editor), June 2007, p. 72–82.