Section: Partnerships and Cooperations
International Initiatives
INRIA Associate Teams
Title: Distributed Supervision and time
INRIA principal investigator: LoïcHélouët
International Partner:
International Partner:
International Partner:
Duration: 2009 - 2011
See also:
This associated team is a tripartite collaboration between two projects at INRIA Rennes (S4 & Distribcom), the National University of Singapore (NUS), and two institutes in Chennai (INDIA), the Chennai Mathematical Institute (CMI) and the Institute of Mathematical Sciences (IMS). The objective of the DST project is to study distributed systems, supervision and time issues with the help of concurrency models. The two main themes of the project are supervision, and quantitative/timed aspects of systems. The supervision theme focuses on distributed scheduling policies of distributed systems to ensure satisfaction of some properties (preservation of some bound on communication channels, for instance), diagnosis, and distributed control techniques. The second theme on time aspects of distributed systems focuses on the analysis of qualitative and quantitative properties of timed systems and models. The quantitative approaches rely on network calculus applied to multimode Real Time Calculus, and the timed models studied during the collaboration are time-constrained scenarios. A recent advance is DST is the elaboration of a model to describe and verify sessions in web-based systems.
Title: Formalizing Orchestration & Secure Services Analysis
INRIA principal investigator: Albert Benveniste
International Partner:
Duration: 2010 - 2012
See also:
The widespread deployment of networked applications and adoption of the internet has fostered an environment in which many distributed services are available. There is great demand to automate business processes and workflows among organizations and individuals. Solutions to such problems require orchestration or choreography of concurrent and distributed services in the face of arbitrary delays and failures of components and communication. The Orc team, lead by Jayadev Misra at the University of Texas at Austin, has developed the Orc language to support orchestrations. The DistribCom team has developed studies regarding the Quality of Services of orchestrations and choreographies, with emphasis on Orc. The teams cooperate since 2006 and have decided to join their efforts in lauching the associated team FOSSA.
The above tracks have been developed to success in 2011:
We have come up with a comprehensive theory of QoS for service orchestrations, and more generally composite services. We believe our contract-based approach for QoS is deeply novel and we have submitted a joint paper to the IEEE Transactions on Software, which is curently under revision.
Causality analysis of Orc programs has been completed. An efficient implementation is under development by John Thywissen (Austin) and Ajay Kattepur, Claude Jard (DistribCom). A joint publication is planed.
The combination of orchestration languages (such as Orc) and document based workow formalisms (such as Active XML) is of primary interest, as it offers a nice blending of declarative and functional/imperative styles of programming, for large applications. This topic has now started, under the leadership of Loïc Hélouët, with the ongoing deployment on top of Rest of a platform of servers implementing Distributed AXML.
Visits and Exchanges in 2011: