Section: Dissemination

Animation of the scientific community

C. Jard has been in 2011 member of the Program Committee of the following international conferences: NOTERE and FMOODS/FORTE. He is also member of the editorial board of the Annales des Télécommunications and the steering committee of MSR series of conferences. C. Jard supervises a CNRS national transverse program on formal approaches for embedded systems (AFSEC). C. Jard is the director of the research of the Brittany extension of the ENS Cachan (director of the pluridisciplinary institute called the Hubert Curien Research College). He is member of the scientific council of the European University of Brittany and member of the executive board of the CominLabs (french excellence initiative in ICST). He is expert of the AERES, the national evaluation agency and expert for the French ministry of research, he has also served as an expert in several programs of the ANR. He was recently nominated to the National Council of Universities (CNU). In 2011, C. Jard was president of the PhD or Habilitation jurys of V. Gripon (Telecom Bretagne), L. Paulevé (Ecole Centrale Nantes), S. Brault (University of Rennes 2), P. Niebert (University of Marseille).

A. Benveniste is the Scientific Director of the CominLabs Excellence Center (Laboratoire d'Excellence, part of the program Investissements d'Avenir of the french government). He is member of the Strategic Advisory Council of the Institute for Systems Research, Univ. of Maryland, College Park, USA. He is president of the Scientific Committee of the Common Bell Labs INRIA Laboratory. He is member of the Scientific Council of France Telecom.(Only facts related to the activities of DistribCom team are mentioned. Other roles or duties concern the S4 team, to which A. Benveniste also belongs.) Albert Benveniste has been elected to the French Academy of Technologies.

Eric Fabre is associate editor (AE) for the journal IEEE Trans. on Automatic Control. He participated to the Alcatel Lucent Open Days in Lannion, where he presented the results of the joint lab on the distributed optimal power allocation in photonic networks. Eric Fabre was reviewer of Jingxian Lu's PhD thesis (Univ. of Bordeaux 1).

L. Hélouët is the co-organizer of a weekly Seminar (68NQRT) at IRISA-INRIA Rennes on theoretical aspects of computer science. In 2011, L. Hélouët was member of the jury of Gilles Benattar at IrccYn Nante, and of Mario S. Alvim at Ecole Polytechnique.

G. Aucher was an organizer of the workshop Gipsy which took place in Rennes from the 25th to the 27th of October 2011 (http://www.irisa.fr/prive/pinchina/GIPSy/gipsy11.html ). In 2011, he served as a reviewer in the following international journals: Journal of Logic and Computation, Studia Logica, Mathematical Social Science, Journal of Applied Non-classical Logic, Logique et analyse. He was a program committee member of the international conferences IJCAI 2011 (International Joint Conference in Artificial Intelligence) and LORI 2011 (Logic, Rationality and Interaction) and served as external reviewer for the international conference TARK 2011 (Theoretical Aspects of Rationality and Knowledge). He was invited to give talks at the Beth Foundation Symposium at the 14th Congress of Logic, Methodology and Philiosophy of Science in Nancy on the 20th of July 2011 and at the Institute of Philosophy of Language in Lisbon on the 8th of November 2011.