Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

Regional Initiatives

Contrat CREATE ActivDoc

  • Title: ActivDoc

  • Type: CREATE

  • Defi: Telecom

  • Duration: February 2007 - August 2011

  • Coordinator: Albert Benveniste

  • Abstract: Activedoc is funded by Région Bretagne. It started in February 2007, for 18 months, and was extended twice for 18 months. This project ended in august 2011, and funded studies on composite web services in a quantitative and qualitative way. The fundamental models studied during this project are models for Quality of Service and models for active documents. We have developed composition techniques for Web systems based on the paradigm of active documents. In particular, Activdoc funded Benoît Masson's Post doctoral stay in Distribcom, which eventually led to the design of a distributed active document simulator.

Contrat CREATE Estase

  • Title: Estase

  • Type: CREATE

  • Defi: Lifting the applicability of formal methods to real life application.

  • Duration: Three years

  • Coordinator: Axel Legay

  • Others partners: None

  • Abstract: The main objective of the Estase project is to develop new statistical model checking algorithms. In addition, we shall study the concept of stochastic abstraction that allows to abstract the global behavior of a system by probability distribution. The results of Estase shall be implemented in the PLASMA toolset developed at INRIA Rennes.