Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

National Initiatives


Participants : Claude Jard, Loïc Hélouët.

Contract INRIA ANR-06-SETI January 2007 - December 2011

Dots (http://www.lsv.ens-cachan.fr/anr-dots/ ) is a national research project where Distribcom cooperates with the LSV/ENS Cachan, the LABRI/Bordeaux, the LAMSADE/Paris Dauphine and the IRCCyN/Nantes. It started in January 2007 and was originally scheduled to end in December 2010. It was extended for one additional year. The ambitious goal of the project is to consider open systems (that is interacting with other undefined systems) which are distributed and require timing information, in order to analyze concrete systems without abstracting one of these aspects. For instance, the interference between several systems require a combination of opened, distributed and timed information. Distribcom is in charge of the interaction of distributed systems with timing aspect (as timed Petri nets) or openness (as distributed controllers and distributed games).


Participants : Claude Jard, Loïc Hélouët, Rouwaida Abdallah, Akshay Sundararaman.

Contract ENS Cachan ANR-2010-BLAN-0317 March 2010 - February 2013.

ImpRo (http://anr-impro.irccyn.ec-nantes.fr/ ) is an academic research project funded by the French national research agency, within its non-thematic (“Blanc”) program. This project addresses the issues related to the practical implementation of formal models for the design of communicating embedded systems: such models abstract many complex features or limitations of the execution environment. The modeling of time, in particular, is usually ideal, with infinitely precise clocks, instantaneous tests or mode commutations, etc. Our objective is thus to study to what extent the practical implementation of these models preserves their good properties. We will first define a generic mathematical framework to reason about and measure implementability, and then study the possibility to integrate implementability constraints in the models. We will particularly focus on the combination of several sources of perturbation such as resource allocation, the distributed architecture of applications, etc. We will also study implementability through control and diagnostic techniques. We will finally apply the developed methods to a case study based on the AUTOSAR architecture, a standard of the automotive industry.

Distribcom cooperates with IRCCyN (Nantes), LIP6 (Paris), LSV (Cachan), LIAFA (Paris) and LIF (Marseille). The coordinator is Didier Lime from IRCCyN. It mainly adresses implementability of scenarios and Time Petri Nets, focusing on concurrency aspects.