Section: Software


People involved: Juan-Manuel Ahuactzin, Kamel Mekhnacha, Pierre Bessière, Emmanuel Mazer, Manuel Yguel, Christian Laugier.

ProBT is both available as a commercial product (ProBAYES.com) and as a free library for public research and academic purposes (http://emotion.inrialpes.fr/BP/spip.php?rubrique6 ). Formerly known as OPL, ProBT is a C++ library for developing efficient Bayesian software. It is available for Linux, Unix, PC Windows (Visual C++), MacOS9, MacOSX and Irix systems. The ProBT library (http://www.probayes.com/ ) has two main components: (i) a friendly Application Program Interface (API) for building Bayesian models, and (ii) a high-performance Bayesian Inference Engine (BIE) allowing to execute all the probability calculus in exact or approximate way. ProBT is now commercialized by our start-up Probayes; it represents the main Bayesian programming tool of the e-Motion project-team, and it is currently used in a variety of external projects both in the academic and industrial field (e.g. for the European project BACS and for some industrial applications such as Toyota or Denso future driving assistance systems).