Project Team Gamma3

Overall Objectives
Contracts and Grants with Industry

Project Team Gamma3

Overall Objectives
Contracts and Grants with Industry


Major publications by the team in recent years
  • 1F. Alauzet, A. Loseille.

    High Order Sonic Boom Modeling by Adaptive Methods, in: Journal Of Computational Physics, 2010, vol. 229, p. 561-593.

  • 2F. Alauzet, M. Mehrenberger.

    P1-conservative solution interpolation on unstructured triangular meshes, INRIA, January 2009.

  • 3H. Borouchaki, D. Chapelle, P.-L. George, P. Laug, P.-J. Frey.

    Estimateurs d'erreur géométriques et adaptation de maillages - Chapter 9, in: Traité en Mécanique et Ingénierie des Matériaux – Méthodes Numériques – Maillage et adaptation, Hermès, Paris, France, 2001, p. 279-310.
  • 4Y. Bourgault, M. Picasso, F. Alauzet, A. Loseille.

    On the use of anisotropic error estimators for the adaptative solution of 3-D inviscid compressible flows, in: International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids, 2009, vol. 59, p. 47-74.

  • 5P.-L. George, H. Borouchaki, P.-J. Frey, P. Laug, E. Saltel.

    Chapter 17, Mesh Generation and Mesh Adaptivity: Theories and Techniques, in: Encyclopedia of Computational Mechanics, Volume 1: Fundamentals, Wiley InterScience, 2004, p. 497-523, ISBN 0-470-84699-2, E. Stein, R. de Borst and T.J.R. Hughes ed., 2nd edition 2008.
  • 6A. Loseille, F. Alauzet.

    Optimal 3D Highly Anisotropic Mesh Adaptation based on the Continuous Mesh Framework, in: 18th International meshing roundtable, Springer, 2009.

  • 7A. Loseille, A. Dervieux, F. Alauzet.

    Fully anisotropic goal-oriented mesh adaptation for 3D steady Euler equations, in: Journal Of Computational Physics, 2010, vol. 229, p. 2866-2897.

  • 8J. Tomasi, B. Mennucci, P. Laug.

    The modeling and simulation of the liquid phase, in: Handbook of Numerical Analysis, Volume X, Special Volume on Computational Chemistry, P. G. Ciarlet, C. L. Bris (editors), North-Holland, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 2003, p. 271-375, ISBN: 0-444-51248-9.
Publications of the year

Articles in International Peer-Reviewed Journal

  • 9F. Alauzet, O. Pironneau.

    Continuous and discrete adjoints to the Euler equations for fluids, in: International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids, 2011.

  • 10D. Barchiesi, T. Grosges, E. Kremer, M. Lamy de la Chapelle.

    Electromagnetic Heat-induced in Meso-structures: Computation of Temperature in Metallic Dimers, in: PIERS Online, 2011, vol. 7, p. 406-410.
  • 11D. Barchiesi, N. Lidgi-Guigui, M. Lamy de la Chapelle.

    Functionalization layer influence on the Sensitivity of Surface Plasmon Resonance (SPR) biosensor, in: Optics Communications, 2011.

  • 12M. Francois, T. Grosges, D. Barchiesi, R. Erra.

    A new image encryption scheme based on a chaotic function, in: Signal Processing: Image Communication, 2011.

  • 13M. Francois, T. Grosges, D. Barchiesi, R. Erra.

    Generation of Encryption Keys from Plasmonics, in: PIERS Online, 2011, vol. 7, p. 296-300.
  • 14L. Giraud-Moreau, A. Cherouat, H. Borouchaki.

    Coupling of adapting remeshing and projection techniques for numerical simulations of forming processes, in: Journal of applied mechanics, 2011.
  • 15L. Giraud-Moreau, A. Cherouat, H. Borouchaki.

    Influence of the adaptive Remeshing during Simulations of Sheet Metal Forming Processes. Key Engineering Materials, in: Key Engineering Materials, 2011, vol. 473, p. 691-698.
  • 16T. Grosges, D. Barchiesi, S. Kessentini, G. Grehan, M. Lamy de la Chapelle.

    Nanoshells for photothermal therapy: a Monte-Carlo based numerical study of their design tolerance, in: Biomed. Opt. Express, 2011, vol. 2, p. 1584-1596.
  • 17S. Kessentini, D. Barchiesi, T. Grosges, L. Giraud-Moreau, M. Lamy de la Chapelle.

    Adaptive non-uniform particle swarm: application to plasmonic design, in: Int. J. Appl. Meta. Comput., 2011, vol. 2, p. 18-28.
  • 18S. Kessentini, D. Barchiesi, T. Grosges, M. Lamy de la Chapelle.

    Selective and Collaborative Optimization Methods for Plasmonics: A Comparison, in: PIERS Online, 2011, vol. 7, p. 291-295.
  • 19P. Laug, H. Borouchaki, E. Renaut.

    Linéarisation et maillage des surfaces paramétrées, in: Comptes Rendus de l'Académie des Sciences (CRAS), Mathématique, 2011, vol. 349, p. 591-595. [ DOI : doi:10.1016/j.crma.2011.03.020 ]
  • 20A. Loseille, F. Alauzet.

    Continuous Mesh Framework Part II: Validations and Applications, in: SIAM J. Numer. Anal., 2011, vol. 49, p. 61-86.

  • 21A. Loseille, F. Alauzet.

    Continuous mesh framework, Part I: well-posed continuous interpolation error, in: SIAM J. Numer. Anal., 2011, vol. 49, p. 38-60.

  • 22M. Picasso, F. Alauzet, H. Borouchaki, P.-L. George.

    A numerical study of some Hessian recovery techniques on isotropic and anisotropic meshes, in: SIAM J. Sci. Comp., 2011, vol. 33, no 3, p. 1058-1076.

  • 23B. Radi, M. Ayadi, A. Cherouat, L. Moreau, A. El Hammi.

    Identification of the Characteristics of Hydroformed Structures Using optimization Methods, in: Key Engineering Materials, 2011, vol. 473, p. 723-730.

International Conferences with Proceedings

  • 24F. Alauzet, A. Belme, A. Dervieux.

    Anisotropic goal-oriented mesh adaptation for time dependent problems, in: 19th International meshing roundtable, Springer, 2011, p. 99-121.

  • 25F. Alauzet, G. Olivier.

    Extension of Metric-Based Anisotropic Mesh Adaptation to Time-Dependent Problems Involving Moving Geometries, in: 49th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit, Jan 2011.
  • 26S. Kessentini, D. Barchiesi, T. Grosges, M. Lamy de la Chapelle.

    Particle swarm optimization and evolutionary methods for plasmonic biomedical applications, in: 2011 IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation, 2011, p. 2315-2320.
  • 27P. Laug, H. Borouchaki.

    High Quality Geometric Meshing of CAD Surfaces, in: 20th International meshing roundtable, Springer, 2011.

  • 28P. Laug, H. Borouchaki.

    Parallel CAD surface meshing, in: PARENG 2011: The Second International Conference on Parallel, Distributed, Grid and Cloud Computing for Engineering, 2011, p. 63-80.
  • 29S. Lo, H. Borouchaki, P. Laug.

    Automatic decomposition of discretized surfaces for parallel processing, in: PARENG 2011: The Second International Conference on Parallel, Distributed, Grid and Cloud Computing for Engineering, 2011, p. 63-80.
  • 30A. Loseille, R. Löhner.

    Boundary Layer Mesh and Adaptivity, in: 49th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit, 2011, vol. 2011-0470.
  • 31G. Olivier, F. Alauzet.

    A New Changing-Topology ALE Scheme for Moving Mesh Unsteady Simulations, in: 49th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit, Jan 2011.

Internal Reports

References in notes
  • 35P.-G. Ciarlet.

    Basic Error Estimates for Elliptic Problems, Ciarlet, P. G. and Lions, J. L., North Holland, 1991, vol. II.
  • 36P.-J. Frey, P.-L. George.

    Maillages. Applications aux éléments finis, Hermès Science Publications, Paris, 1999.