Section: Members

Research Scientist

Olivier Festor [Team Leader, Research Director (DR) 20% of his time since November 1st, 2011, INRIA, HdR]

Faculty Members

Isabelle Chrisment [Professor, ESIAL, Henri Poincaré - Nancy 1 University, HdR]

Laurent Andrey [Associate Professor, Nancy 2 University]

Rémi Badonnel [Associate Professor, ESIAL, Henri Poincaré - Nancy 1 University]

Laurent Ciarletta [Associate Professor, ENSMN - Lorraine National Polytechnic Institute]

Abdelkader Lahmadi [Associate Professor, ENSEM - Lorraine National Polytechnic Institute]

Emmanuel Nataf [Associate Professor, Nancy 2 University]

André Schaff [Professor, ESIAL,Henri Poincaré - Nancy 1 University, HdR]

Technical Staff

Alexandre Boeglin [Engineer, Industrial grant]

Mohamed Nassar [Research Engineer, Industrial grant (-08/2011)]

Cyril Auburtin [Engineer, Industrial grant (-11/2011)]

Andrea Oroseanu [Engineer, Industrial grant (-06/2011)]

PhD Students

Sheila Becker [Co-tutelle with University of Luxembourg (10/2008- )]

Martin Barrere [Industrial grant (01/2011- )]

Oussema Dabbebi [Industrial grant (10/2009- )]

Tom Leclerc [Industrial grant with regional co-sponsoship (-09/2011)]

Julien Siebert [MADYNES-MAIA cooperation. Industrial grant with regional co-sponsoship (-09/2011 )]

Juan Pablo Timpanaro [Industrial grant with regional co-sponsoship (01/2010- )]

Gérard Wagener [Co-tutelle with University of Luxembourg (-09/2011)]

Administrative Assistant

Céline Simon [INRIA]