Section: Partnerships and Cooperations
International Initiatives
We actively participate to the Internet Research Task Force (IRTF) Network Management Research Group (NMRG ). Since march 1st 2011, Olivier Festor was named co-chair of this research group within IRTF. The group did organize one meeting in Quebec in july 2011. A workshop on flow-level management will be held in conjunction with the next IETF (march 2012) in Paris.
INRIA International Partners
We have established a strong cooperation with the team of Thomas Djotio at the Polytechnical Superior National School (PSNS) of the Yaoundé University. We curretnly have two joint Ph.D. students and regular exchanges of researchers.
Visits of International Scientists
Invited researchers and professors
Ramin Sadre from University of Twente, spent 3 weeks in the team, working on anomaly detection based on flow analysis.
Pr Priyadarsi Nanda fom the University fo technology, Sydney Australia spent 6 months on the team working on new naming schemes and advanded routing on wireless sensor networks.