Section: New Results
VoIP Security
Participants : Laurent Andrey, Olivier Festor, Abdelkader Lahmadi [contact] .
In previous work, we have proposed the prevention system SecSIP [5] for SIP-based networks which uses a rule-based approach to build prevention specifications on SIP protocol activities that stop attacks exploiting an existing vulnerability before reaching their targets. We have pursued our efforts in VoIP security which led to two new contributions:
Building and maintaining prevention rules using the VeTo language can become a time consuming and error prone task, especially when addressing an important number of vulnerabilities discovered using a fuzzing tool. The discovered vulnerabilities using such process are usually based on a single exploit message with a malformed field or sequence of vulnerable messages. To reduce this effort, we have designed a generation method to produce VeTo specifications targeting those vulnerable messages. The method mainly characterizes a malformed field within an exploit message or the vulnerable sequence of messages and generates a set of VeTo rules specifications to prevent their exploit. The generated VeTo rules are then deployed and maintained on the SecSIP engine to be applied against the SIP traffic. The solution [19] relies on generating rules using genetic algorithms operating on a a set of candidate regular expressions to match a malformed pattern within a SIP message, and evaluate their quality using a well defined fitness function to ensure that their are specific enough to only match exploit messages.
SecSIP uses a plain text configuration file in which VeTo specifications are authored and managed manually. While extending the deployment of the framework beyond our own lab, support for remote configuration was required. Given the promise of Netconf, we naturally turned our investigations towards this protocol and embraced the YANG data-modeling framework. In [20] we have presented the Yang model built for VeTo policies and the Netconf framework put in place.
We have developed a flexible SIP honeypot. It is flexible in the sense that a behavior can be externally and easily defined. The goal of such a honeypot is to be able to be quickly customized in response to an observation made on a more generic and large scale honeypot. If the initial observation is likely to be an attack the customized honeypot would eventually get deeper and more informative interactions with the attacker. The realization is a module of the Dionaea general framework for honeypot (successor of the well-known nepenthes framework) and we use the SIPP test tool as an engine to animate SIP interactions provided as automata in some XML file. More detail on the implementation can be found in [26] .