
Major publications by the team in recent years
  • 1C. Amblard, S. Girard.

    Estimation procedures for a semiparametric family of bivariate copulas, in: Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics, 2005, vol. 14, no 2, p. 1–15.
  • 2J. Blanchet, F. Forbes.

    Triplet Markov fields for the supervised classification of complex structure data, in: IEEE trans. on Pattern Analyis and Machine Intelligence, 2008, vol. 30(6), p. 1055–1067.
  • 3C. Bouveyron, S. Girard, C. Schmid.

    High dimensional data clustering, in: Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, 2007, vol. 52, p. 502–519.
  • 4C. Bouveyron, S. Girard, C. Schmid.

    High dimensional discriminant analysis, in: Communication in Statistics - Theory and Methods, 2007, vol. 36, no 14.
  • 5G. Celeux, S. Chrétien, F. Forbes, A. Mkhadri.

    A Component-wise EM Algorithm for Mixtures, in: Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics, 2001, vol. 10, p. 699–712.
  • 6G. Celeux, F. Forbes, N. Peyrard.

    EM procedures using mean field-like approximations for Markov model-based image segmentation, in: Pattern Recognition, 2003, vol. 36, no 1, p. 131-144.
  • 7F. Forbes, G. Fort.

    Combining Monte Carlo and Mean field like methods for inference in hidden Markov Random Fields, in: IEEE trans. PAMI, 2007, vol. 16, no 3, p. 824-837.
  • 8F. Forbes, N. Peyrard.

    Hidden Markov Random Field Model Selection Criteria based on Mean Field-like Approximations, in: in IEEE trans. PAMI, August 2003, vol. 25(9), p. 1089–1101.
  • 9S. Girard.

    A Hill type estimate of the Weibull tail-coefficient, in: Communication in Statistics - Theory and Methods, 2004, vol. 33, no 2, p. 205–234.
  • 10S. Girard, P. Jacob.

    Extreme values and Haar series estimates of point process boundaries, in: Scandinavian Journal of Statistics, 2003, vol. 30, no 2, p. 369–384.
Publications of the year

Doctoral Dissertations and Habilitation Theses

  • 11L. Azizi.

    Champs aléatoires de Markov cachés pour la cartographie du risque en épidémiologie, Université Joseph-Fourier - Grenoble I, December 2011.

Articles in International Peer-Reviewed Journal

  • 12C. Bouveyron, G. Celeux, S. Girard.

    Intrinsic Dimension Estimation by Maximum Likelihood in Isotropic Probabilistic PCA, in: Pattern Recognition Letters, 2011, vol. 32, p. 1706-1713. [ DOI : 10.1016/j.patrec.2011.07.017 ]

  • 13J. Carreau, S. Girard.

    Spatial extreme quantile estimation using a weighted log-likelihood approach, in: Journal de la Société Française de Statistique, 2011, vol. 152, no 3, p. 66–83.
  • 14A. Daouia, L. Gardes, S. Girard, A. Lekina.

    Kernel estimators of extreme level curves, in: Test, 2011, vol. 20, no 14, p. 311–333.
  • 15F. Forbes, B. Scherrer, M. Dojat.

    Bayesian Markov model for cooperative clustering: application to robust MRI brain scan segmentation, in: Journal de la Societe Française de Statistique, 2011, vol. 152, no 3.
  • 16L. Gardes, S. Girard, A. Guillou.

    Weibull tail-distributions revisited: a new look at some tail estimators, in: Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 2011, vol. 141, no 1, p. 429–444.
  • 17R. Horaud, F. Forbes, M. Yguel, G. Dewaele, J. Zhang.

    Rigid and Articulated Point Registration with Expectation Conditional Maximization, in: IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, March 2011, vol. 33, no 3, p. 587–602. [ DOI : 10.1109/TPAMI.2010.94 ]

  • 18S. Joshi, A. Lombardot, P. Flatresse, C. D'Agostino, A. Juge, E. Beigne, S. Girard.

    Statistical estimation of dominant physical parameters for leakage variability in 32nanometer CMOS under supply voltage variations, in: Journal of Low Power Electronics, 2011, vol. 7, no 5, to appear.
  • 19V. Khalidov, F. Forbes, R. Horaud.

    Conjugate Mixture Models for Clustering Multimodal Data, in: Neural Computation, February 2011, vol. 23, no 2, p. 517–557. [ DOI : 10.1162/NECO_a_00074 ]

  • 20M. Vignes, J. Blanchet, D. Leroux, F. Forbes.

    SpaCEM3, a software for biological module detection when data is incomplete, high dimensional and dependent, in: Bioinformatics, 2011, vol. 27, no 6, p. 881-882.

International Conferences with Proceedings

  • 22L. Amate, F. Forbes, J. Fontecave-Jallon, B. Vettier, C. Garbay.

    Probabilistic Model Definition for Physiological State Monitoring, in: IEEE International Workshop on Statistical Signal Processing 2011 (SSP11), June 28-30 2011.
  • 23A. Asenov, Y. Courant, G. Ducharme, V. Gerousis, S. Girard.

    How can statistics methods help to address variability issues?, in: 2nd European Workshop on CMOS Variability, Grenoble, 2011.
  • 24L. Azizi, D. Abrial, M. Charras-Garrido, F. Forbes.

    Risk mapping based on hidden Markov random field and variational approximations, in: 1st Conference on Spatial Statistics 2011 - Mapping Global Change, University of Twente, Enschede, The Netherlands, 2011.
  • 25L. Azizi, F. Forbes, S. Doyle, M. Charras-Garrido, D. Abrial.

    Spatio-temporal Markov Random Field approach to risk mapping, in: The 14th Applied Stochastic Models and Data Analysis (ASMDA2011) conference of the ASMDA International Society, Rome, Italy, June 2011.
  • 26L. Chaari, F. Forbes, P. Ciuciu, T. Vincent, M. Dojat.

    Bayesian Variational Approximation for the Joint Detection Estimation of Brain Activity in fMRI, in: IEEE International Workshop on Statistical Signal Processing 2011 (SSP11), June 28-30 2011.
  • 27L. Chaari, F. Forbes, T. Vincent, M. Dojat, P. Ciuciu.

    Med Image Comput Comput Assist Interv, 2011, vol. 14, no Pt 2, p. 260-8.

  • 28M. Chavent, S. Girard, V. Kuentz, B. Liquet, T. Nguyen, J. Saracco.

    An adaptive SIR method for block-wise evolving data streams, in: XIVth International Symposium of Applied Stochastic Models and Data Analysis (ASMDA 2011), Rome, Italy, 2011, 8 p.

  • 29A. Clément, S. Laurens, S. Girard.

    A Novel Damage Sensitive Feature Based on State-Space Representation, in: 8th International Workshop on Strutural Health Monitoring, Stanford, USA, septembre 2011.
  • 30E. Deme, L. Gardes, S. Girard.

    A new semi-parametric family of estimators for the second order parameter, in: 7th International Conference on Extreme Value Analysis, Lyon, juin 2011.
  • 31J. El-Methni, L. Gardes, S. Girard, A. Guillou.

    Estimation of a new parameter discriminating between Weibull tail-distributions and heavy-tailed distributions, in: 7th International Conference on Extreme Value Analysis, Lyon, juin 2011.
  • 32L. Gardes, S. Girard.

    Functional kernel estimators of conditional extreme quantiles, in: 2nd International Workshop on Functional and Operatorial Statistics, Santander, Spain, 2011.
  • 33S. Girard, A. Guillou, G. Stupfler.

    Estimating an endpoint using high order moments, in: 7th International Conference on Extreme Value Analysis, Lyon, juin 2011.
  • 34S. Girard, L. Menneteau.

    Strong invariance principles for tail quantile processes with applications to extreme value index estimation, in: 7th International Conference on Extreme Value Analysis, Lyon, juin 2011.
  • 35K. Qin, F. Forbes.

    Dynamic Regional Harmony Search with Opposition and Local Learning, in: Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference 2011 (Gecco 2011), Dublin, July 2011.
  • 36K. Qin, F. Forbes.

    Harmony Search with Differential Mutation Based Pitch Adjustment, in: Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference 2011 (Gecco 2011), Dublin, July 2011.

National Conferences with Proceeding

  • 37L. Azizi, F. Forbes, M. Charras-Garrido, D. Abrial, S. Doyle.

    Initialisation de l'algorithme EM champ-moyen pour les mélanges de Poisson pour données spatiales et application à la cartographie du risque en épidémiologie, in: 43èmes Journées de Statistique organisées par la Société Française de Statistique, Tunis, Tunisia, May 2011.
  • 38L. Chaari, F. Forbes, P. Ciuciu, T. Vincent, M. Dojat.

    A Variational Bayesian approach for the Joint Detection Estimation of Brain Activity in functional MRI, in: 43èmes Journées de Statistique organisées par la Société Française de Statistique, Tunis, Tunisia, May 2011.
  • 39E. Deme, L. Gardes, S. Girard.

    Estimation semi-paramétrique du paramètre de second ordre en statistique des valeurs extrêmes, in: 43èmes Journées de Statistique organisées par la Société Française de Statistique, Tunis, mai 2011.
  • 40J. El-Methni, L. Gardes, S. Girard, A. Guillou.

    Estimation d'un paramètre de queue commun aux lois de type Weibull et au domaine d'attraction de Fréchet, in: 43èmes Journées de Statistique organisées par la Société Française de Statistique, Tunis, mai 2011.

Scientific Books (or Scientific Book chapters)

  • 41A. Daouia, L. Gardes, S. Girard.

    Nadaraya's estimates for large quantiles and free disposal support curves, in: Exploring research frontiers in contemporary statistics and econometrics, I. V. Keilegom, P. Wilson (editors), Springer, 2011, to appear.
  • 42L. Gardes, S. Girard.

    Functional kernel estimators of conditional extreme quantiles, in: Recent advances in functional data analysis and related topics, F. Ferraty (editor), Springer, Physica-Verlag, 2011, p. 135–140.

Internal Reports

  • 43L. Azizi, F. Forbes, S. Doyle, M. Charras-Garrido, D. Abrial.

    Spatial risk mapping for rare disease with hidden Markov fields and variational EM, INRIA, March 2011, no RR-7572.


Other Publications

References in notes
  • 52C. Biernacki, G. Celeux, G. Govaert, F. Langrognet.

    Model-Based Cluster and Discriminant Analysis with the MIXMOD Software, in: Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, 2006, vol. 51, no 2, p. 587–600.
  • 53C. Bouveyron.

    Modélisation et classification des données de grande dimension. Application à l'analyse d'images, Université Grenoble 1, septembre 2006.

  • 54M. Charras-Garrido.

    Modélisation des événements rares et estimation des quantiles extrêmes, méthodes de sélection de modèles pour les queues de distribution, Université Grenoble 1, juin 2002.

  • 55C. Chen, F. Forbes, O. Francois.

    FASTRUCT: Model-based clustering made faster, in: Molecular Ecology Notes, 2006, vol. 6, p. 980–983.
  • 56G. Dewaele, F. Devernay, R. Horaud, F. Forbes.

    The alignment between 3D-data and articulated shapes with bending surfaces, in: European Conf. Computer Vision, Lecture notes in Computer Science, 2006, no 3, p. 578-591.
  • 57P. Embrechts, C. Klüppelberg, T. Mikosh.

    Modelling Extremal Events, Applications of Mathematics, Springer-Verlag, 1997, vol. 33.
  • 58F. Ferraty, P. Vieu.

    Nonparametric Functional Data Analysis: Theory and Practice, Springer Series in Statistics, Springer, 2006.
  • 59O. Francois, S. Ancelet, G. Guillot.

    Bayesian clustering using Hidden Markov Random Fields in spatial genetics, in: Genetics, 2006, p. 805–816.
  • 60S. Girard.

    Construction et apprentissage statistique de modèles auto-associatifs non-linéaires. Application à l'identification d'objets déformables en radiographie. Modélisation et classification, Université de Cery-Pontoise, octobre 1996.
  • 61Y. Goegebeur, J. Beirlant, T. de Wet.

    Kernel estimators for the second order parameter in extreme value statistics, in: Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 2010, vol. 140, no 9, p. 2632–2652.
  • 62M. Gomes, L. de Haan, L. Peng.

    Semi-parametric Estimation of the Second Order Parameter in Statistics of Extremes, in: Extremes, 2002, vol. 5, no 4, p. 387–414.
  • 63K. Li.

    Sliced inverse regression for dimension reduction, in: Journal of the American Statistical Association, 1991, vol. 86, p. 316–327.
  • 64R. Nelsen.

    An introduction to copulas, Lecture Notes in Statistics, Springer-Verlag, New-York, 1999, vol. 139.
  • 65J. Pritchard, M. Stephens, P. Donnelly.

    Inference of Population Structure Using Multilocus Genotype Data, in: Genetics, 2000, vol. 155, p. 945–959.