Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

National Actions

mistis is a partner in a three-year MINALOGIC project (I-VP for Intuitive Vision Programming) supported by the French Government. The project is led by VI Technology (http://www.vitechnology.com ), a world leader in Automated Optical Inspection (AOI) of a broad range of electronic components. The other partners involved are the CMM (Centre de Morphologie Mathematiques) in Fontainebleau, and Pige Electronique in Bourg-Les-Valence. The NOESIS company, which is a leader in the field of image processing and analysis software, in Crolles, is also involved to provide help with software development. The overall goal is to exploit statistical and image processing techniques more intensively to improve defect detection capability and programming time based on existing AOI principles so as to eventually reach a reliable defect detection with virtually zero programming skills and efforts.

mistis is also involved in another three-year MINALOGIC project, called OPTYMIST-II. The goal is to address variability issues when designing electronic components.

mistis got, for the period 2008-2011, Ministry grants for two projects supported by the French National Research Agency (ANR):

  • MDCO (Masse de Données et Connaissances) program. This three-year project is called "Visualisation et analyse d'images hyperspectrales multidimensionnelles en Astrophysique" (VAHINE). It aims at developing physical as well as mathematical models, algorithms, and software able to deal efficiently with hyperspectral multi-angle data but also with any other kind of large hyperspectral dataset (astronomical or experimental). It involves the Observatoire de la Côte d'Azur (Nice), and two universities (Strasbourg I and Grenoble I). For more information please visit the associated web site: http://mistis.inrialpes.fr/vahine/dokuwiki/doku.php .

  • VMC (Vulnérabilité : Milieux et climats) program. This three-year project is called "Forecast and projection in climate scenario of Mediterranean intense events: Uncertainties and Propagation on environment" (MEDUP) and deals with the quantification and identification of sources of uncertainties associated with forecasting and climate projection for Mediterranean high-impact weather events. The propagation of these uncertainties on the environment is also considered, as well as how they may combine with the intrinsic uncertainties of the vulnerability and risk analysis methods. It involves Météo-France and three universities (Paris VI, Grenoble I and Toulouse III). (http://www.cnrm.meteo.fr/medup/ ).