Section: Dissemination

Animation of the scientific community

Florence Forbes and Stéphane Girard co-organized the workshops “Astrostatistique en France” http://astrostat.sciencesconf.org/ and Statlearn, "Challenging problems in Statistical Learning" http://mistis.inrialpes.fr/statlearn/ in Grenoble.

Since September 2009, F. Forbes is head of the committee in charge of examining post-doctoral candidates at INRIA Grenoble Rhône-Alpes ("Comité des Emplois Scientifiques").

Since September 2009, F. Forbes is also a member of the INRIA national committee, "Comité d'animation scientifique", in charge of analyzing and motivating innovative activities in Applied Mathematics. In this context, she organized with R. Munos, B. Espiau and M. Thonnat an INRIA workshop on Statistical Learning in Paris (December).

F. Forbes is part of an INRA (French National Institute for Agricultural Research) Network (MSTGA) on spatial statistics. She is also part of an INRA committee (CSS MBIA) in charge of evaluating INRA researchers once a year.

S. Girard is a member of the committee (Comité de Sélection) in charge of examining applications to Faculty member positions at University Paris I.

F. Forbes and S. Girard were elected as members of the bureau of the “Analyse d'images, quantification, et statistique” group in the Société Française de Statistique (SFdS).

S. Girard was selected as an expert for

  • the national fund for the scientific development of Chili (FONDECYT) to evaluate research proposals,

  • evaluation of interdisciplinary and inter-institutes projects (PEPII) for the CNRS,

  • the national fund for research of Québec - Nature and technology (FRQNT) to evaluate research proposals.

S. Girard was involved in the following PhD committees

  • Mohammed El Anbari “Regularisation and variable selection using penalized likelihood”, Paris-Sud University and Cadi Ayyad University, december 2011.

  • Dmitri Novikov “Statistical methods of detection of current flow structures in stretches of water”, Montpellier University, december 2011.

  • Davide Ceresetti “Structure spatio-temporelle des fortes précipitations: application à la région Cévennes-Vivarais.”, Grenoble University, january 2011.

F. Forbes was involved in the PhD committes of Flora Jay from TimB, Univ. Grenoble I. PhD title:"Méthodes bayésiennes pour la génétique des populations: relations entre structure génétique des populations et environnement" (October 2011).

F. Forbes was also involved in the HDR committee of Cécile Hardouin, assistant professor at Paris Ouest Nanterre La Défense University (July 2011). Title:"Quelques contributions à la modélisation et l'analyse statistique de processus spatiaux".

F. Forbes was also involved in the Master committee of Arun Shivanandan from IBIS team(June 2011). Title: Stochastic modelling and indentification of arabinose uptake network in Escherichia coli.