Section: Partnerships and Cooperations
Regional Initiatives
CILOE, 2008-2011, Minalogic: This project is to develop tools and high level interfaces for compute- intensive applications for nano and micro-electronic design and optimizations. The partners are: two large companies CS-SI (leader), Bull; three small size companies EDXACT, INFINISCALE, PROBAYES; and four research units INRIA, CEA-LETI, GIPSA-LAB, TIMA. For Moais, the contract funds the phD thesis of Jean-Noel Quintin.
HiPeComp, NANO 2008-2012 contract. The project HiPeCoMP (High Performance Components for MPSoC) consists in the development an coupling of: on the one hand, wait-free scheduling techniques (pre-partitioning and mapping, on-line work stealing) of component based multimedia applications on MPSoC architectures; and on the other hand, monitoring, debug and performance software tools for the programming of MPSoC with provable performances. For Moais, the contract funds the phD thesis of Christophe Laferrière who started on 1/9/2009.
SHIVA, Minalogic 2009-2012 contract. This project aims at the development of a high throug- put backbone ciphering that ensures a high level of security for intranet and extranet communi- cations over internet. The partners are: CS-SI (leader); 1 small size companies: Easii-IC (support for Xilinx FPGA) IWall-Mataru (key management), Netheos (customizable FPGA for ciphering); IN- RIA; CEA-LETI (security certification); Grenoble-INP (TIMA lab, integration of cryptography on FPGA); UJF (LJK and Institut Fourier: open cryptographic protocols and handshake; VERIMAG: provable security). Within INRIA, the MOAIS and the PLANET teams provide the parallel imple- mentation on a multicore pltaform of IP-Sec and coordination with hardware accelerators (Frog's and GPUs). The contract funds the phD thesis of Ludovic Jacquin, coadvised by PLANET and MOAIS and a 1 year engineer (Fabrice Schuler, from 11/2010).
SOC-TRACE, Minalogic 2011-2014 contract. This project aims the development of tools for the monitoring and debug of mumticore systems on chip. Leader: ST-Microelectonic. Partners: Inria (Mescal, Moais); UJF (TIMA, LIG/Hadas); Magilem, ProBayes. The contract funds 1 phD thesis and 1 year engineer.