Section: Partnerships and Cooperations
National Initiatives
ANR EXAVIZ (2011-2015). Large-scale interactive visual analysis for life sciences and materials. Partners: project-team INRIA MOAIS, LIFO-lab Université d'Orléans, Laboratoire de Biochimie Théorique de l'IBPC, the LIMSI lab and the CEMHTI.
ANR REPDYN (2010-2012). Scaling high performance computations in fluid and structure transient dynamics. Partners: project-teams INRIA MOAIS and EVASION, CEA, ONERA, EDF, LaMSID lab CNRS and LaMCoS lab at INSA Lyon.
ANR PETAFLOW (2010-2012). Objet : peta-scale data intensive computing with transnational high-speed networking: application to upper airway flow. Programme ANR blanc France/Japon. Partners: l'équipe-projet INRIA MOAIS, le LIP de l'ENS Lyon, le Gipsa-lab de l'UJF, le NITC (japon), le Cyber Center d'Osaka, le DITS (Osaka), le Visualization Lab de Kyoto.
PEPS LINBOX. 2010-2011. High Performance Library for Computer Algebra . Coordinator: C. Pernet. Partners: LIP (Lyon), LJK (Grenoble), LIRMM (Montpellier).
New accepted ANR HPAC (2012-2015). High Performance Algebraic Computing. Coordinator: Jean-Guillaume Dumas (CASY team, LJK, Grenoble). Partners: project-team MOAIS (Grenoble), team CASYS (LJK, Grenoble), project-team ARENAIRE (LIP, Lyon), project-team SALSA (LIP6, Paris), the ARITH group (LIRMM lab, Montpellier).