Section: Partnerships and Cooperations
National Initiatives
ANR project Morpho – Analysis of Human Shapes and Motions
Participants : Franck Hétroy, Lionel Reveret, Edmond Boyer.
MORPHO is aimed at designing new technologies for the measure and for the analysis of dynamic surface evolutions using visual data. Optical systems and digital cameras provide a simple and non invasive mean to observe shapes that evolve and deform and we propose to study the associated computing tools that allow for the combined analyses of shapes and motions. Typical examples include the estimation of mean shapes given a set of 3D models or the identification of abnormal deformations of a shape given its typical evolutions. Therefore this does not only include static shape models but also the way they deform with respect to typical motions. It brings a new research area on how motions relate to shapes where the relationships can be represented through various models that include traditional underlying structures, such as parametric shape models, but are not limited to them. The interest arises in several application domains where temporal surface deformations need to be captured and analyzed. It includes human body analyses but also extends to other deforming objects, sails for instance. Potential applications with human bodies are anyway numerous and important, from the identification of pathologies to the design of new prostheses. The project focus is therefore on human body shapes and their motions and on how to characterize them through new biometric models for analysis purposes. 3 academic partners will collaborate on this project: the INRIA Rhône-Alpes with the Perception team and the Evasion team, the GIPSA-lab Grenoble and the INRIA-Lorraine with the Alice team.
Website: .
ANR project MADRAS
Participants : Romain Arcila, Franck Hétroy.
This 3-year and half project, funded by ANR, started on January 1st, 2008. Its goal is threefold:
create a repository of 3D and 3D+t mesh models, together with ground truth segmentations (either done manually or automatically)
use human perception to enhance conception and evaluation of segmentation algorithms
develop new segmentation techniques for 3D and 3D+t meshes, using human perception and results of subjective experiments
On this project, Morpheo focuses on sequences of meshes evolving through time. Other partners are LIFL in Lille and LIRIS in Lyon.
Website: .
Quaero Project
Participants : Benjamin Petit, Edmond Boyer.
Quaero is a program promoting research and industrial innovation on technologies for automatic analysis and classification of multimedia and multilingual documents. The partners collaborate on research and the realisation of advanced demonstrators and prototypes of innovating applications and services for access and usage of multimedia information, such as spoken language, images, video and music. The consortium is composed of French and German public and private research organisations. It is is coordinated by Technicolor. The Morpheo team is participating in the project for the development of visual gesture interfaces with the objective to ease to access to multimedia information.
ADT Vgate
Participants : Jean-Sébastien Franco, Edmond Boyer.
The ADT (Action de Developpement Technologique) Vgate was proposed in the context of the Grimage interactive and immersive platform. The objective of Vgate is to manage the evolution of the Grimage platform both on the hardware and software sides to ensure improvements, reusability and durations of the Grimage platform perception and immersion capabilities. Vgate was proposed in collaboration with the EPI Moais from the INRIA Grenoble Rhône-Alpes.
PlantScan3D project
Participants : Dobrina Boltcheva, Franck Hétroy.
This project is in collaboration with Vitual Plants and Galaad teams. Its objective is to develop the use of laser scanner for plant geometry reconstruction, in partnership with biologists-agronomists from several teams in France and Europe.