Section: Dissemination
Animation of the scientific community
Edmond Boyer:
is a member of the editorial board of the Image and Vision Computing journal.
was co-organizer of the ICCV 2011 workshop 4DMOD on 4D Modeling.
was an area chair for ICCV 2011.
was a member of the program committees of: cvpr2011, cvmp2011, PERHAPS 2011, SGA2011, RFIA2011, ORASIS2011.
has been reviewing for the journals: IEEE PAMI, IJCV, IEEE TVCG.
was reviewer of one habilitation and three PhD thesis and he was examiner of one PhD thesis.
was a member of the recruiting committees of the university Joseph Fourier and of the ENSIMAG.
Edmond Boyer gave invited talks at Imagina2011 and at TU Munich.
Jean-Sébastien Franco:
has reviewed for the following conferences : CVPR 2011, ICCV 2011, VR 2011, and the 4DMOD ICCV 2011 workshop on 4D modeling.
has reviewed for the Agence National de la Recherche CONTINT call.
has reported for the PhD thesis of Jordi Salvador, UPC Barcelona.
has given an invited talk at the Dagstuhl Seminar 11261, Outdoor and Large Scale Scene Analysis.
Franck Hétroy:
was co-organizer of Journées 2011 du Groupe de Travail en Modélisation Géométrique (GTMG).
has reviewed for the journals: IEEE TVCG, Computer and Graphics, and for the conferences: Pacific Graphics 2011, Eurographics 2012.
has also reviewed a project for the Chilean National Commission for Scientific and Technological Research (CONICYT).
Lionel Reveret: