Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

International Initiatives

INRIA Associate Teams

From the previous EVASION project, Franck Hetroy and Lionel Reveret were involved into the Associate Team SHARE. This project targets 3D modeling and animation of complex shapes such as animals in motion. It gathered the INRIA project EVASION and the Computer Graphics Department of UBC (University of British Columbia, Canada). Works have been done on the visual perception of 3D animation and its application in compression of 3D animation (Franck Hetroy and Ron Rensink). Another collaboration has been done on video motion capture and physical simulation of quadrupeds (Stelian Coros, Michiel van de Panne, Lionel Reveret). This last works has been published at SIGGRAPH 2011 [6] .

Participation In International Programs

PHC project Temporally Consistent 3D Reconstruction and Action Recognition with a Multiple-Camera System

This is a “Partenariat Hubert Curien” (PHC) between the Technical University of Munich, Germany and MORPHEO (2010-11). The scientific objectives of this collaboration aim at the advancement of temporal aspects of the 3D reconstruction of dynamic scenes and the human action recognition in multiple-camera systems.