Section: Dissemination
Animation of the scientific community
J.-A. Désidéri is appointed part-time by ONERA (Numerical Simulation and Aeroacoustics Department, DSNA-Châtillon, and Applied Aerodynamics Department, DAAP-Meudon). This primarily results in the supervision of theses in computational fluid dynamics and optimization. This year, M. Bompard defended his thesis and five other theses are in progress. This supervision stimulates a scientific cooperation between our laboratories at both levels of senior researchers (organization of seminars and a short-course of continuing education, multi-disciplinary prospective) and doctoral students (participation in technical brainstormings, exchange of software, etc).
J.-A. Désidéri and J. Peter (ONERA/DSNA) have been the coordinators of the continuing education short course: Verification of numerical simulations in continuous mechanics. Notion of Validation at Collège de Polytechnique, June 7-8, 2011. At this occasion, J.-A. Désidéri gave the seminar: Analysis of approximation errors in classical PDE problems with application to continuous mechanics (4.5 hrs).