Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

International Initiatives

Visits of International Scientists

International guests of the PARKAS seminars
  • November 2011: Alex Nicolau, UCI. Variability, Accuracy, and Performance evaluation.

  • September 2011: Daisuke Ishii, JSPS, National Institute of Informatics (Tokyo) and ProVal team, INRIA Saclay. An Execution Algorithm for a Hybrid Modeling Language HydLa.

  • August 2011: Peter Gammie, the Australian National University and National ICT Australia. Verified Synthesis of Knowledge-Based Programs in Finite Synchronous Environments.

  • June 2011: Jan Vitek, Purdue University. Virtualizing Real-time Embedded Systems with Java.

  • May 2011: Walid Najjar, University of California Riverside. Performance, Productivity and Programmability: The Coming of Age of FPGA Code Accelerators.

  • March 2011: Eunjung Park, University of Delaware. Predictive Modeling in a Polyhedral Optimization Space.

Other visits
  • John Cavazos, University of Delaware, visited us in January and July 2011. We have been collaborating on statistical methods in polyhedral compilation since John's postdoc at the University of Edinburgh. A joint paper was published at CGO 2011. Albert Cohen is on the PhD thesis committee of his student, Eunjung Park.

  • P. Sadayappan, Ohio State University, visited us in December 2011. We collaborate for a long time on polyhedral compilation methods and tools. A joint paper was published at POPL 2011. P. Sadayappan has been the Master thesis advisor of Tobias Grosser and he is participating to the direction of his PhD thesis, and he hosts a former student, Louis-Noël Pouchet for more than 1 year as a postdoc.

  • John Plaice, University of New South Wales, visited us in December 2011. He is a long-time synchronous programming and functional programming expert. His Translucid language experiment could be the basis for a collaboration on efficient compilation of array-based computations and synchronous language expressiveness.

Supervision of post-docs, theses and Internships
  • Marc Pouzet supervised the 12-month post-doc of Timothy Bourke, from the University of New South Wales, from September 2010 to October 2011, and funded by the large scale initiative SYNCHRONICS of INRIA. Timothy worked on the semantics and implementation of hybrid modelers.

  • Albert Cohen co-advised the PhD thesis of Sean Halle, from the University of California Santa Cruz, defended in June 2011. Sean Halle worked on parallel programming models and analytical performance models.