Section: Overall Objectives


The European project Humavips – Humanoids with Auditory and Visual Abilities in Populated Spaces

HUMAVIPS (http://humavips.inrialpes.fr ) is a 36 months FP7 STREP project coordinated by Radu Horaud and which started in 2010. The project addresses multimodal perception and cognitive issues associated with the computational development of a social robot. The ambition is to endow humanoid robots with audiovisual (AV) abilities: exploration, recognition, and interaction, such that they exhibit adequate behavior when dealing with a group of people. Proposed research and technological developments will emphasize the role played by multimodal perception within principled models of human-robot interaction and of humanoid behavior.

Collaboration with SAMSUNG – 3D Capturing and Modeling from Scalable Camera Configurations

In 2010 started a 30 months collaboration with the Samsung Advanced Institute of Technology (SAIT), Seoul, Korea. Whithin this project we develop a methodology able to combine data from several types of visual sensors (2D high-definition color cameras and 3D range cameras) in order to reconstruct, in real-time, an indoor scene without any constraints in terms of background, illumination conditions, etc.

Outstanding paper award at ICMI'11

Our article "Finding Audio-Visual Events in Informal Social Gatherings" [29] received the "Outstanding Paper Award" (best paper) at the IEEE/ACM 13th International Conference on Multimodal Interaction (ICMI), Alicante, Spain, November 2011. The paper is co-authored by members of both PERCEPTION and MISTIS, Xavi Alameda-Pineda, Vasil Khalidov, Radu Horaud and Florence Forbes. The paper addresses the problem of detecting and localizing audio-visual events (such as people) in a complex/cluttered scenario such as a cocktail party. The work is carried out within the collaborative European project HUMAVIPS.