πr 2 is a common project with CNRS and University Paris 7, within the laboratory “Preuves, Programmes et Systèmes” (which is itself joint between Paris 7 and CNRS – UMR 7126). The team has been created on January the 1st, 2009 and became an INRIA “équipe-projet” on July the 1st, 2009. Its explicit association with both University Paris 7 and CNRS is now very close to being finalised.

Beginning of the Team: 01/01/2011

Section: Members

Research Scientists

Pierre-Louis Curien [Team leader, DR CNRS, HdR]

Hugo Herbelin [DR INRIA, HdR]

Alexis Saurin [CR CNRS]

Matthieu Sozeau [CR INRIA]

Faculty Members

Pierre Letouzey [MC Paris 7]

Yann Régis-Gianas [MC Paris 7]


Xavier Clerc [Ingénieur Coq]

PhD Students

Pierre Boutillier [Contrat doctoral université Paris 7]

Stéphane Glondu [Allocation couplée, Paris 7, until August 2011]

Lourdes del Carmen Gonzalez Huesca [Funding by the ANR PARAL-ITP, since December 2011]

Guillaume Munch-Maccagnoni [Contrat doctoral université Paris 7]

Pierre-Marie Pédrot [Contrat doctoral université Paris 7]

Matthias Puech [Cotutelle avec l'Université de Bologne, financement Ministère de la Recherche italien (MIUR)]

Post-Doctoral Fellows

Federico Aschieri [INRIA funding, since September 2011]

Nicolas Ayache [Postdoc of the european project “CerCo”]

Jeffrey Sarnat [INRIA funding, until June 2011]

Arnaud Spiwack [INRIA funding]

Noam Zeilberger [Postdoc of the Foundation SMP until October 2011, now postdoc at IMDEA Software institute in Madrid]

Administrative Assistant

Marine Meyer