Section: Dissemination
Animation of the scientific community
Program Committees
G. Drettakis, A. Bousseau and A. Lagae served on the Eurographics Symposium on Rendering program committee. A. Bousseau served on the NPAR program committee.
Invited Talks
C. Verron presented his research at the annual meeting of SFA in the context of his award. Carles Bosch gave two invited talks in the context of his ERCIM fellowship: Pisa (Oct. 2010), ETH Zurich (March 2011).
Thesis Committees
G. Drettakis was a rapporteur for Ph.D. committee of Christian Eisenacher (Erlangen, Germany) and a member of the Ph.D. committee of G. Cirio (INRIA Rennes).
Community service
G. Drettakis chairs the Eurographics (EG) Awards Committee and the EG Working group on Rendering and is part of the EG conference steering committee. He is an associate editor-in-chief for IEEE Transactions on Computer Graphics and Visualization. G. Drettakis is a member of the “comité d'animation scientifique” for the Interaction, Cognition and Perception theme of INRIA since October 2009.
Conference Presentations and Attendance
At SIGGRAPH 2011 in Vancouver, Ares Lagae presented the paper [18] . Carles Bosch presented the paper [12] (August). P. Vangorp, G. Chaurasia and A. Bousseau presented the papers [20] respectively at the Eurographics Symposium on Rendering in Prague (June). P-Y. Laffont presented his work [21] the AFIG conference in November in Bidart and attended the summer school “Toward petaflop numerical simulation on parallel hybrid architectures”, June 6-10 2011 in Sophia-Antipolis. G. Drettakis and A. Bousseau attended EUROGRAPHICS 2011. E. Chapoulie and G. Chaurasia ENS/INRIA Visual Recognition and Machine Learning Summer School in Paris, France, from July 25th, 2011 to July 29th, 2011. P. Vangorp attended APGV in Toulouse (September).