Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

National Initiatives

Cutter ANR Project

Stéphane Ducasse [correspondant], Nicolas Anquetil.

Participants are RMoD and the D'Oc (M. Huchard)–APR(J.C. Koenig) groups at Lirmm. The aim of Cutter is to develop, combine, and evaluate new techniques for analyzing and modularizing code. The innovation of Cutter is to: (1) combine different package decomposition techniques (graph decomposition, program visualization...); (2) support different levels of abstractions (system, packages, classes); and (3) be directed by the quality of the resulting remodularization and take into account expert input.

Resilience FUI Project

Stéphane Ducasse [correspondant], Marcus Denker. Participants: Nexedi, Morphom Alcatel-Lucent Bell Labs, Astrium Geo Information, Wallix, XWiki, Alixen, Alterway, Institut Télécom, Université Paris 13, CEA LIST, Inria. Started in September 2011-September 2014.

RESILIENCE's goal is to protect private data on the cloud, to reduce spying and data loss in case of natural problems. RESILIENCE propose to develop a decentralized cloud architecture: SafeOS. Safe OS is based on replication of servers. In addition a safe solution for document should be developed. Sandboxing for Javascript applications should be explored.