Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

European Initiatives

Participants : Stéphane Ducasse [correspondant] , Veronica Uquillas Gomez, Marcus Denker.


Participant : Stéphane Ducasse [correspondant] .

The Belgium IAP (Interuniversity Attraction Poles) MoVES (Fundamental Issues in Software Engineering: Modeling, Verification and Evolution of Software) is a project whose partners are the Belgium universities (VUB, KUL, UA, UCB, ULB, FUNDP, ULg, UMH) and three European institutes (Inria, IC and TUD) respectively from France, Great Britain and Netherlands. This consortium combines the leading Belgian research teams and their neighbors in software engineering, with recognized scientific excellence in MDE, software evolution, formal modeling and verification, and AOSD. The project focusses on the development, integration and extension of state-of-the-art languages, formalisms and techniques for modeling and verifying dependable software systems and supporting the evolution of Software-intensive systems. The project has started in January 2007 and is scheduled for a 60-months period. Read more at http://moves.vub.ac.be .

Réseau ERCIM Software Evolution

We are involved in the ERCIM Software Evolution working group since its inception. We participated at his creation when we were at the University of Bern.