Section: Contracts and Grants with Industry

Contracts with Industry

Digital Trainers

The company Digital Trainers has signed a two year contract and a two year license with our group for the transfer of our suture simulation technology. The contract aims at improving the simulation by using an adaptive model for the suture thread and continuous constraints for the interaction with the soft tissues. Haptic feedback will also be investigated.


We have started a collaboration with INSERM - UMR-S 867 ( robot based minimally invasive otologic surgery) Faculté de Médecine Paris Diderot Paris 7 and with the company Collin which is developing some activities in the domain of the head and neck (implants, surgery instruments, surgical navigation, ..). The objective of this project is to obtain a simulation tool applied to the ear surgery for both training and planning of middle ear surgery. Guillaume Kazmicheff is doing his phD in the context of this collaboration: he is paid by a CIFRE contract with Collin, he is mainly working with the INSERM team but the design of the simulation is done in collaboration with our group and he is enrolled in the university of Lille 1.