Section: Dissemination
Animation of the scientific community
Program and organizing committees
the team Sage organizes the international conference on Domain Decomposition methods DD21 (Rennes, June 2012). Chair J. Erhel (with T. Sassi, University of Caen); organizing committee É. Canot, G. Pichot; webmaster N. Soualem, A. Le Gentil; local coordination F. Cuyollaa (with E. Blin).
J. Erhel organized with D. Tromeur-Dervout a mini-symposium at the international conference ParCFD (Barcelona, Spain, May 2011).
G. Pichot organized with M. Kern a mini-symposium at the international conference SIAM on Geosciences (Long Beach, USA, March 2011).
Editorial Boards
B. Philippe is one of the four chief-editors of the electronic journal ARIMA (revue Africaine de la Recherche en Informatique et Mathématiques Appliquées). He was a thematic editor of the special issue after the international conference CARI'2010 (Volume 14, 2011).
B. Philippe is managing editor of the electronic journal ETNA (Electronic Transactions on Numerical Analysis).
J. Erhel is member of the editorial board of ETNA.
J. Erhel is member of the editorial board of Interstices.
INRIA and University committees
É. Canot is member of the CUMI (Commission des Utilisateurs de Moyens Informatiques), of INRIA-Rennes, from September 2007.
É. Canot is member of the CHS (Commission Hygiène et Sécurité), of INRIA-Rennes, from September 2007.
J. Erhel was member and secretary of the Comité de Gestion Local of AGOS at INRIA-Rennes, until December 2011.
J. Erhel was member of Comité Technique Paritaire of INRIA, until November 2011. She is now member of the Comité Technique d'Etablissement Public of INRIA.
J. Erhel is member of Comité de Concertation of INRIA.
J. Erhel is member of Conseil d'Administration of INRIA.
J. Erhel participated in the working group on the assistants' activities.