Section: Dissemination
Teaching and supervision
A. Abdelmoula is teaching assistant (permanent position) in computer science at the University of Tunis, Tunisia.
J. Charrier was teaching assistant (monitrice) in mathematics at ENS-Cachan-Rennes, until August.
D. Nuentsa Wakam was teaching assistant (moniteur) in computer science at faculty of law, University of Rennes 1, until August.
B. Poirriez was teaching assistant (ATER) in computer science at INSA, Rennes, until August.
Master: B. Philippe taught one module "Krylov methods for solving large linear systems", 10 hours, M2, University of Annaba, Algeria.
PhD supervision
PhD: J. Charrier, ENS Cachan Bretagne, 12 July 2011, advisors A. Debussche with J. Erhel.
PhD: D. Nuentsa Wakam, University of Rennes 1, 7 December 2011, advisors J. Erhel with É. Canot.
PhD: B. Poirriez, University of Rennes 1, 20 December 2011, advisor J. Erhel.
PhD: M. Djouwe Tankeo, University of Rennes 1, 20 January 2012, advisors P. Richard (IPR) with É. Canot.
PhD in progress: S. Sabit, University of Rennes 1, October 2010, advisors J. Erhel with É. Canot.
PhD in progress: A. Abdelmoula, University of Rennes 1 and University of Tunis, October 2005, co-advisors B. Philippe and M. Moakher.
PhD in progress: S. Khalfallah, University of Rennes 1 and University of Tunis, October 2009, co-advisors J. Erhel and A. ben Abda.
PhD in progress: M. Oumouni, University of Rennes 1 and University of Kenitra, October 2009, co-advisors J. Erhel and Z. Mghazli.
PhD in progress: L.-B. Nguenang, University of Yaounde 1, October 2011, advisors E. Kamgnia with B. Philippe.
see also section 8.3.1 .
internship supervision
see section 8.3.1 .