Section: Partnerships and Cooperations
European Initiatives
Marie Curie program: Co-Advise project
Participants : Jocelyne Erhel, Sinda Khalfallah, Mestapha Oumouni, Bernard Philippe.
Type of project: COADVISE Project supported by the European Commission [Seventh Framework Programme - Marie Curie Actions 'People' International Research Staff Exchange Scheme (IRSES)].
Time: It started in February 2009 for a duration of 36 months.
The project aims at supporting and strenghtening the different existing collaboration actions between Europe and Mediterranean Partner Countries. The structuring action of the programme consists in co-advising PhD students between the two sides of the Mediterranean Sea. The project is coordinated by INRIA Centre de Recherche Sophia Antipolis. There are 5 partners in Tunisia, 2 partners in Morocco, 1 partner in Algeria, 1 partner in Italy, 1 partner in Spain and 1 partner in France.
In 2011, two PhD students visited the Sage team during 6 months each: Sinda Khalfallah, Tunisia; Mestapha Oumouni, Morocco.
European collaborations
UPC: Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya-UPC, Institute of Environmental Assessment and Water Research (Spain)
numerical simulations in hydrogeology, reactive transport in heterogeneous media, upscaling, scientific software platform.
UFZ: Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research-UFZ, Hydrogeology group (Germany)
numerical simulations in hydrogeology, flow in porous fractured media, scientific software platform.