Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

National Initiatives

GNR MOMAS: project on reactive transport

Participants : Jocelyne Erhel, Souhila Sabit.

Webpage: http://momas.univ-lyon1.fr/

The working group MOMAS includes many partners from CNRS, INRIA, universities, CEA, ANDRA, EDF and BRGM. It covers many subjects related to mathematical modeling and numerical simulations for nuclear waste disposal problems. We coordinate the project entitled “numerical models and simulations for transport by advection diffusion of chemical species with kinetic and equilibrium reactions.”

See sections 6.4.3 , 4.2 , 7.1 .

ANR-CIS: MICAS project

Participants : Julia Charrier, Jocelyne Erhel, Aurélien Le Gentil, Géraldine Pichot, Baptiste Poirriez, Nadir Soualem.

Contract with ANR, program CIS

Time: four years from January 2008.

Title: Modelling and Intensive Computation for Aquifer Simulations.

Coordinator: Sage.

Partners: Geosciences Rennes, University of Le Havre, University of Lyon 1.

Web page: http://www.irisa.fr/sage/micas

See sections 6.4 , 6.5 , 6.6 , 5.1 , 4.2 .


Participants : Denis Billon, Jocelyne Erhel, Désiré Nuentsa Wakam.

Contract with ANR, program RNTL

Time: three years from October 2007.

Title: Large Information Base for the Research in AEROdynamics.

Coordinator: FLUOREM, Lyon.

Partners: LMFA, Ecole Centrale de Lyon; CDCSP, University of Lyon; Sage team.

This work is done in the context of the CINEMAS2 project, section 7.2 .

See section 6.1 , 5.7 .

GENCI: project on advanced linear solvers

Participants : Édouard Canot, Désiré Nuentsa Wakam, Jocelyne Erhel, Aurélien Le Gentil, Baptiste Poirriez, Nadir Soualem, Géraldine Pichot.

Webpage: http://www.genci.fr/

To run large simulations, we defined a project, based on H2OLab and GPREMS, accepted by Genci. We got accounts on the cluster IBM Power 6 located at IDRIS. In 2011, we obtained and used hours.

See sections 5.1 and 5.7 .

INRIA Large Wingspan intiative: HEMERA project

Participants : Jocelyne Erhel, Nadir Soualem, Géraldine Pichot.

Title: Hemera

Time: from September 2010.

Coordinator: C. Perez, GRAAL team.

Partners: 22 INRIA teams.

Webpage: http://www.grid5000.fr/mediawiki/index.php/Hemera

Hemera is an INRIA Large Wingspan project, started in 2010, that aims at demonstrating ambitious up-scaling techniques for large scale distributed computing by carrying out several dimensioning experiments on the Grid’5000 infrastructure, at animating the scientific community around Grid’5000 and at enlarging the Grid’5000 community by helping newcomers to make use of Grid’5000.

The team Sage is the leader of the Scientific Challenge Hydro: Multi-parametric intensive stochastic simulations for hydrogeology. The objective is to run multiparametric large scale simulations. Experiments have been conducted on Grid'5000 in 2011, in collaboration with D. Balouek, engineer in team GRAAL, Lyon. They show that our approach based on a two-level parallelism for Monte-Carlo simulations is quite efficient.

See sections 6.4 , 6.5 , 6.6 , 8.1.2 , 5.1 .