Section: Scientific Foundations
SECSI has five objectives:
Objective 1: symbolic verification of cryptographic protocols. Tree-automata based methods, automated deduction, and approximate/exact cryptographic protocol verification in the Dolev-Yao model. Enriching the Dolev-Yao model with algebraic theories, and associated decision problems.
Objective 2: verification of cryptographic protocols in computational models. Computational soundness of formal models (Dolev-Yao, applied pi-calculus).
Objective 3: security of group protocols, fair exchange, voting and other protocols. Other security properties, other security models. In 2011, mostly: electronic voting protocols, security of the TPM, of the European electronic passport.
Objective 4: probabilistic transition systems. Security in the presence of probabilistic and demonic non-deterministic choices.
Objective 5: intrusion detection, network and host protection in the large.