SequeL is a joint project with the LIFL (UMR 8022 of CNRS, and University of Lille 1, and University of Lille 3) and the LAGIS (a joint lab of the École Centrale de Lille and the Lille 1 University).

Section: Members

Research Scientists

Rémi Munos [Co-head, Research Director (DR), INRIA, HdR]

Mohammad Ghavamzadeh [Researcher (CR) INRIA]

Alessandro Lazaric [Researcher (CR) INRIA]

Daniil Ryabko [Researcher (CR) INRIA]

Faculty Members

Philippe Preux [Team leader, Professor, Université de Lille, HdR]

Emmanuel Duflos [Professor, École Centrale de Lille, HdR]

Philippe Vanheeghe [Professor, École Centrale de Lille, HdR]

Rémi Coulom [Assistant professor, Université de Lille 3]

Romaric Gaudel [Assistant professor, Université de Lille 3]

Jérémie Mary [Assistant professor, Université de Lille 3]

Pierre Chainais [Professor, École Centrale de Lille]

PhD Students

Boris Baldassari [CIFRE with Squoring Technology, since Sep., 2011]

Alexandra Carpentier [ANR-Région Nord-Pas de Calais Grant, since Oct., 2009]

Emmanuel Delande [DGA, since Nov., 2008]

Victor Gabillon [MENESR Grant, since Oct., 2009]

Jean-François Hren [MENESR Grant, since Oct., 2007]

Azadeh Khaleghi [CORDIS grant, since Oct., 2010]

Manuel Loth [INRIA-Région Nord-pas-de-calais Grant, Oct., 2006- Sept. 2009; ATER until July 2011]

Odalric-Ambrym Maillard [ENS Grant, until Oct., 2011]

Sami Naamane [CIFRE with France Telecom Grant, since Nov., 2011]

Olivier Nicol [MENESR Grant, since Oct., 2010]

Christophe Salperwyck [CIFRE with France Telecom Grant, since Dec., 2009]

Amir Sani [CORDIS grant, since Oct., 2011]

Post-Doctoral Fellows

Lucian Busoniu [ANR-Explora, since Apr., 2011]

Sertan Girgin [Région Nord-Pas de Calais until Feb. 28th, then contract with Addressing Business until Aug. 31st]

Hachem Kadri [Région Nord-Pas de Calais until Nov. 2011, then ANR Lampada]

Nathan Korda [COMPLacs, since Oct., 2011]

Michal Valko [COMPLacs, since Sept., 2011]

Administrative Assistant

Sandrine Catillon [Secretary (SAR) INRIA, shared by 3 projects]


Jérôme Daquin [Master 2 internship, Univ. Lille 1, Apr. to Aug. 2011]