Team Serpico

Contracts and Grants with Industry

Team Serpico

Contracts and Grants with Industry

Section: Application Domains

Data management and storage

In cell and molecular biology [43] , new challenges arise to acquire a complete and quantified view from the scale of a “single” cell to the scale of a multi-cellular structure, within the whole organism. In the future, image analysis will be central to the successful use of optical microscopy in this post-genomics biology. Nevertheless, one major difficulty lies in correlating and/or fusing multi-modalities, now routinely used in biology laboratories: optical imaging (spinning-disk confocal, TIRF, SIM, PALM, STED, FLIM-FRET, MP, SPIM/DSLM), ionic imaging (NanoSIMS), atomic force imaging (AFM) and electron imaging (Cryo-EM, Tomo EM). Moreover, in the emerging era of high-throughput microscopy (biochemical screens, cell-based screening), systematic and accurate correlation and analysis of these data cannot be performed manually since the image sequences are composed of several hundred of 3D stacks. Efficient storage, fast retrieval and secure sharing of microscopy images are then others on-going challenges. Our goal is to build an image database with a built-in query system to annotate, retrieve, process and integrate analysis from different imaging modalities. The combination of complementary skills (image processing and analysis software, image data management) will yield a full integration of available information, from image acquisition and analysis to bioinformatics analysis and mathematical modelling in systems biology.