Vasy is an Inria project team that is also a team of the Lig laboratory, a joint research unit of Centre National de Recherche Scientifique, Grenoble Inp , Université Joseph Fourier, and Université Pierre Mendès-France. This is the last yearly activity report for Vasy , as it completed its scientific activities on December 31, 2011 after having reached the 12-year age limit for Inria project teams. As of January 2012, the Vasy team members have launched a new research team named Convecs (see http://convecs.inria.fr ).

Section: Members

Research Scientists

Hubert Garavel [Senior Researcher Inria , Team Leader, part-time since May 1, 2011]

Frédéric Lang [Junior Researcher Inria ]

Radu Mateescu [Senior Researcher Inria , HdR]

Wendelin Serwe [Junior Researcher Inria ]

Faculty Member

Gwen Salaün [Associate Professor, Grenoble Inp ]

Technical Staff

Iker Bellicot [until November 30, 2011]

Yann Genevois [until February 28, 2011]

Rémi Hérilier [until November 30, 2011]

Christine McKinty [part-time, until November 30, 2011]

Vincent Powazny [until June 28, 2011]

Damien Thivolle [until February 28, 2011]

Post-Doctoral Fellow

Matthias Güdemann [since October 17, 2011]

Administrative Assistant

Helen Pouchot