Section: Overall Objectives


Created on January 1st, 2000, the Vasy project focuses on formal methods for the design of reliable systems.

We are interested in any system (hardware, software, telecommunication) that exhibits asynchronous concurrency, i.e., any system whose behavior can be modelled as a set of parallel processes governed by interleaving semantics.

For the design of reliable systems, we advocate the use of formal description techniques together with software tools for simulation, rapid prototyping, verification, and test generation.

Among all existing verification approaches, we focus on enumerative verification (also known as explicit state verification) techniques. Although less general than theorem proving, these techniques enable an automatic, cost-efficient detection of design errors in complex systems.

Our research combines two main directions in formal methods, the model-based and the language-based approaches:

  • Models provide mathematical representations for parallel programs and related verification problems. Examples of models are automata, networks of communicating automata, Petri nets, binary decision diagrams, boolean equation systems, etc. From a theoretical point of view, research on models seeks for general results, independently of any particular description language.

  • In practice, models are often too elementary to describe complex systems directly (this would be tedious and error-prone). Higher level formalisms are needed for this task, as well as compilers that translate high level descriptions into models suitable for verification algorithms.

To verify complex systems, we believe that model issues and language issues should be mastered equally.