Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

Visits and Exchanges

In 2011, we had the following scientific exchanges:

  • Nicolas Halbwachs (Verimag ) visited us on January 28, 2011 and gave a talk entitled “Analyse de programmes: propriétés numériques et tableaux”.

  • Thomas Lambolais and Thanh-Liem Phan (Ecole des Mines d'Alès) visited us on February 9, 2011.

  • Meriem Ouederni (University of Málaga, Spain) visited us from June 27 to July 1, 2011 and from November 21 to November 25, 2011.

  • Freark van der Berg (University of Twente, The Netherlands) visited us on October 17–21, 2011.

  • Farhad Arbab (Cwi , Amsterdam, The Netherlands) visited us on November 22, 2011 and gave a talk entitled “Interaction-Based Concurrency”.

  • Gianluigi Zavattaro (University of Bologna, Italy) visited us on November 22, 2011 and gave a talk entitled “Parameterized Verification of Ad Hoc Network Protocols ”.

  • The annual Vasy seminar was held in Autrans (France) on November 28–30, 2011.

  • Xavier Blanc (Labri , Bordeaux) attended the Vasy annual seminar and gave on November 28, 2011 a talk entitled “Vpraxis et évolution d'applications Internet”.

  • Christian Attiogbe (Lina , Nantes) attended the Vasy annual seminar and gave on November 29, 2011 a talk entitled “Composition dynamique de processus dans les systèmes complexes”.

  • Grégory Batt (Inria Rocquencourt) attended the Vasy annual seminar and gave on November 30, 2011 a talk entitled “A general computational method for robustness analysis with applications to synthetic gene networks”.

  • Holger Hermanns (Saarland University) visited us on December 1st, 2011 and gave a Lig keynote entitled “From Concurrency Models to Numbers: Performance, Dependability, Energy”.