Section: Dissemination

Miscellaneous Activities

Within the Minalogic pôle de compétitivité mondial, H. Garavel is a member of the operational committee of the EmSoC cluster (Embedded System on Chip).

H. Garavel is a member of the scientific council of the Gis (Groupement d'Intérêt Scientifique) consortium 3sgs on supervision, safety, and security of large systems.

H. Garavel is a member of the evaluation committee for the Anr (Agence Nationale de la Recherche) programme “Ingénierie Numérique et Sécurité”.

H. Garavel is a member of the Lig working group in charge of restructuring the scientific themes of the laboratory.

H. Garavel participated in the selection committee for a professeur des universités position at the University of Nice – Sophia-Antipolis.

H. Garavel was a reviewer for the German Research Foundation (Dfg ), the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (Nwo ), and the Dutch Technology Foundation (Stw ).

F. Lang is a member of the “commission du développement technologique”, which is in charge of selecting R&D projects for Inria Grenoble Rhône-Alpes.

R. Mateescu is the correspondent of the “Département des Partenariats Européens” for Inria Grenoble Rhône-Alpes.

On November 1st, 2011, R. Mateescu was elected coordinator of the Ercim Working Group Fmics (Formal Methods for Industrial Critical Systems) for the next three years.

G. Salaün is a member of the Lig Council (Conseil de laboratoire).

G. Salaün is a member of the Ensimag Council (Conseil de l'école).