Section: Software


Participant : Alexandre Abadie.

QtDcm is a C++ library implementing a widget that can be re-used with the Qt development framework. With this new widget, it is now easy to view the content of a Dicom CD-Rom, to manage dicom Query/Retrieve from a PACS and to convert downloaded data in the nifti format (easy to use medical image format). QtDcm APP registration number (2010) is : IDDN.FR.001.490036.000.S.P.2010.000.31230 A new APP registration is in progress and the library has been release in october under the LGPL license. See http://qtdcm.gforge.inria.fr .

See also the web page https://www.irisa.fr/visages/members/aabadie/demos

  • Keywords : medical imaging, dicom

  • Software benefit: offers a great solution to query medical images storage server (Dicom PACS). Can be easily re used in larger Qt applications

  • APP: IDDN.FR.001.490036.000.S.P.2010.000.31230

  • License: no defined licence for the moment

  • Type of human computer interaction: C++ library

  • OS/Middelware: Linux, Windows and Mac

  • Required library or software : Qt, Dcmtk, dcm2nii (optional)

  • Programming language: C++

  • Documentation : http://qtdcm.gforge.inria.fr/html