Section: Dissemination


  • J. Ponce, "Introduction to computer vision", L3, Ecole normale supérieure, 36h.

  • M. Pocchiola and J. Ponce, "Geometric bases of computer science, L3, Ecole normale supérieure, 36h.

  • I. Laptev, J. Ponce and J. Sivic (together with C. Schmid (INRIA Grenoble)), “Object recognition and computer vision”, M2, Ecole normale supérieure, and MVA, Ecole normale supérieure de Cachan, 36h.

  • I. Laptev and J. Sivic were speakers at the International Computer Vision Summer School 2011, Sicily, Italy, July 2011.

  • I. Laptev and J. Sivic were speakers at the Computer Vision Winter School, ENS Lyon, January 2011.

  • A. Zisserman, Optimization lectures (Hilary term 2011), University of Oxford, http://www.robots.ox.ac.uk/~az/lectures/opt/2011/ .

  • A. Zisserman, Machine learning lectures (Hilary term 2011), University of Oxford, http://www.robots.ox.ac.uk/~az/lectures/ml/2011/ .

  • A. Zisserman, Teaching on two topics at the INRIA Visual Recognition and Machine Learning Summer School http://www.di.ens.fr/willow/events/cvml2011/ .

  • I. Laptev and A. Zisserman were speakers at Microsoft Computer Vision School, Moscow, Russia, August 2011 http://summerschool2011.graphicon.ru/en/courses .