Section: Dissemination

Teaching - Supervision - Juries


  • Licence: E. Pozzi, Numerical algorithmics, 26h ETD (from Sep.), L3, Computer Sciences, Polytech'Nice, Univ. Nice Sopia Antipolis, France.


  • PhD: A.-M. Nicu, Approximation et représentation des fonctions sur la sphère. Applications aux problèmes inverses de la géodésie et l'imagerie médicale [13] . Univ. Nice Sophia Antipolis, ED STIC, Feb. 2012 (advisor: J. Leblond).

  • PhD in progress: S. Chaabi, Boundary value problems for pseudo-holomorphic functions, since Nov. 2008 (advisors: L. Baratchart and A. Borichev).

  • PhD in progress: D. Ponomarev, Inverse problems for planar conductivity and Schrödinger PDEs, since Nov. 2012 (advisors: J. Leblond, L. Baratchart).


  • J. Leblond (advisor) and M. Olivi (examinator) were members of the PhD jury of A.-M. Nicu (Univ. Nice Sophia Antipolis, Feb.) [13] .

  • J. Leblond was a member (reviewer) of the PhD jury of N. Chaulet (Ecole Polytechnique, Nov.).

  • L. Baratchart was the head of the PhD jury of Matteo Santacesaria (Ecole Polytechnique, Dec.).