Section: Software
Participant : Juliette Leblond [corresponding participant] .
Status: Currently under development. A stable version is maintained.
This software is developed in collaboration with Maureen Clerc and Théo Papadopoulo from the Athena EPI, and with Jean-Paul Marmorat (Centre de mathématiques appliquées (CMA), École des Mines de Paris).
FindSources3D is a software dedicated to source recovery for the inverse EEG problem, in 3-layer spherical settings, from pointwise data (see ). Through the algorithm described in [16] and section 4.2 , it makes use of the software RARL2 (section 5.1 ) for the rational approximation step in plane sections. The data transmission preliminary step (“cortical mapping”) is solved using boundary element methods through the software OpenMEEG (its CorticalMapping features) developed by the Athena Team (see ). A first release of FindSources3D is now available, which will be demonstrated and distributed within the medical teams we are in contact with (see Figure 4 , CeCILL license, APP version 1.0: IDDN.FR.001.45009.S.A.2009.000.10000).