Section: Partnerships and Cooperations
International Initiatives
Participation In International Programs
Project M@TURE – International scientific cooperation programme Inria/Brazil
Participant : Nikolaos Georgantas [Correspondant] .
Name: M@TURE – Models @ runtime for self-adaptive pervasive systems: enabling user-in-the-loop, requirement-awareness, and interoperability in ad hoc settings
Partners: Joint project with Institute of Informatics, Federal University of Goias, Brazil.
The overall goal of the M@TURE project is to design, implement and evaluate a novel approach and architecture – comprising conceptual foundations, engineering techniques, and supporting middleware infrastructure – for self-adaptive pervasive systems by building on the notion of Models@run.time. Models@run.time extends the applicability of models and abstractions to the runtime environment. In contrast to design-time models, runtime models are used to reason about the running system taking into account its operating environment, and thus these models enable automating runtime decisions and actions regarding the creation, configuration, and evolution of the system. We will in particular focus on the following dimensions and related models: (i) Requirements models making a system requirements-aware at runtime; (ii) Application- and middleware-level interoperability models exposing to an external observer the technological and business features of a system; and (iii) End-user and system engineer models modeling the internal elements of a system at two different abstraction levels. These models will be considered both independently and, more importantly, in synergy in order to introduce a comprehensive conceptual and architectural solution for self-adaptive pervasive systems.