The Inria's Research Teams produce an annual Activity Report presenting their activities and their results of the year. These reports include the team members, the scientific program, the software developed by the team and the new results of the year. The report also describes the grants, contracts and the activities of dissemination and teaching. Finally, the report gives the list of publications of the year.
Amel Belaggoun (from Apr 2012 until Sep 2012)
Subject: Exploring the Use of Dynamic Decision Networks for Self-Adaptive Systems
Institution: Université de Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines (France)
Ajay Chhatwal (from Jan 2012 until Mar 2012)
Subject: Supporting Application Development for the Future Internet of Smart Things and Services
Institution: Indian Institute of Technology, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi (India)
Guilherme Nogueira (from Apr 2012 until Oct 2012)
Subject: Facilitating the Specification of Fault Tolerance Requirements in Sensor Network Macroprograms
Institution: University of São Paulo (Brazil)