Major publications by the team in recent years
1B. Basten.
Tracking Down the Origins of Ambiguity in Context-Free Grammars, in: Seventh International Colloquium on Theoretical Aspects of Computing (ICTAC 2010), A. Cavalcanti, D. Deharbe, M.-C. Gaudel, J. Woodcock (editors), Springer, September 2010, vol. 6255, p. 76-90. -
2B. Basten, J. Vinju.
Faster Ambiguity Detection by Grammar Filtering, in: Proceedings of the tenth workshop on Language Descriptions Tools and Applications, C. Brabrand, P.-E. Moreau (editors), 2010. -
3P. Charles, R. M. Fuhrer, S. M. Sutton Jr, E. Duesterwald, J. Vinju.
Accelerating the Creation of Customized, Language-Specific IDEs in Eclipse, in: Proceedings of the 24th Annual ACM SIGPLAN Conference on Object-Oriented Programming, Systems, Languages, and Applications, OOPSLA 2009, S. Arora, G. T. Leavens (editors), 2009. -
4Jan van. Eijck, C. Unger.
Computational Semantics with Functional Programming, Cambridge University Press, September 2010. -
5M. Hills, P. Klint, J. Vinju.
Meta-Language Support For Type-Safe Access To External Resources, in: Pre-Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Software Language Engineering, Dresden, Netherlands, K. Czarnecki, G. Hedin (editors), Fakultät Informatik, Technische Universität Dresden, 2012, p. 370 - 389.
http://hal. inria. fr/ hal-00756878 -
6P. Klint, T. van der Storm, J. Vinju.
RASCAL: A Domain Specific Language for Source Code Analysis and Manipulation, in: Source Code Analysis and Manipulation, IEEE International Workshop on, Los Alamitos, CA, USA, 2009, p. 168-177.
http://doi. ieeecomputersociety. org/ 10. 1109/ SCAM. 2009. 28 -
7P. Klint, T. van der Storm, J. Vinju.
EASY Meta-programming with Rascal, in: Generative and Transformational Techniques in Software Engineering III, J. Fernandes, R. Lämmel, J. Visser, J. Saraiva (editors), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer Berlin / Heidelberg, 2011, vol. 6491, p. 222-289, 10.1007/978-3-642-18023-1_6.
http://dx. doi. org/ 10. 1007/ 978-3-642-18023-1_6 -
8T. van der Storm, J. Van den Bos.
Bringing Domain-Specific Languages to Digital Forensics, in: Proceedings of the 33rd International Conference on Software Engineering, ICSE 2011, Waikiki, Honolulu , HI, USA, May 21-28, 2011, Honolulu, United States, ACM, 2011, p. 671-680.
http://hal. inria. fr/ hal-00644687/ en -
9T. van der Storm, J. W. Cook, A. Loh.
Object Grammars: Compositional & Bidirectional Mapping Between Text and Graphs, in: Software Language Engineering, Dresden, Germany, K. Czarnecki, G. Hedin (editors), September 2012.
http://hal. inria. fr/ hal-00758627
Doctoral Dissertations and Habilitation Theses
10F. Sietsma.
Logics of Communication and Knowledge, Universiteit van Amsterdam, December 2012.
http://hal. inria. fr/ tel-00756861
Articles in International Peer-Reviewed Journals
11M. Hills, P. Klint, T. van der Storm, J. Vinju.
A One-Stop Shop For Software Evolution Tool Construction, in: ERCIM News, 2012, no 88, p. 11 - 12.
http://hal. inria. fr/ hal-00756876 -
12V. Zaytsev.
Language Evolution, Metasyntactically, in: Electronic Communications of the European Association of Software Science and Technology, 2012, vol. 49, article-no = 3, p. 1 - 17.
http://hal. inria. fr/ hal-00756854 -
13J. van Eijck, J. Ruan, T. Sadzik.
Action Emulation, in: Synthese, 2012, vol. 185, no 1, p. 131 - 151.
http://hal. inria. fr/ hal-00756870 -
14J. van den Bos, T. van der Storm.
Domain-Specific Languages For Better Forensic Software, in: ERCIM News, 2012, vol. 2012, no 90.
http://hal. inria. fr/ hal-00756885
Articles in National Peer-Reviewed Journals
15P. Klint.
Ode Aan Turing, in: I/O ICT Onderzoek, 2012, vol. 9, no 1, 19 p.
http://hal. inria. fr/ hal-00756857
Articles in Non Peer-Reviewed Journals
16P. Klint.
De Stille Kracht Van Informatietechnologie, We Kunnen Geen Dag Zonder!, in: I/O ICT Onderzoek, 2012, vol. 9, no 2, 19 p.
http://hal. inria. fr/ hal-00756856 -
17P. Klint.
De Toekomst Van Het Hoorcollege, in: I/O ICT Onderzoek, 2012, vol. 9, no 3, 19 p.
http://hal. inria. fr/ hal-00756855
International Conferences with Proceedings
18K. Apt, S. Simon.
A Classification Of Weakly Acyclic Games, in: Proceedings of the Symposium on Algorithmic Game Theory (SAGT, 2012), Barcelona, Spain, Springer, 2012, vol. 7615, p. 1 - 12.
http://hal. inria. fr/ hal-00756884 -
19K. Apt, S. Simon.
Choosing Products In Social Networks, in: Proceedings of the International Workshop on Internet And Network Economics (WINE, 2012), Liverpool, United Kingdom, Springer, 2012, vol. 7695, p. 100 - 113.
http://hal. inria. fr/ hal-00756883 -
20B. Fischer, R. Lämmel, V. Zaytsev.
Comparison Of Context-Free Grammars Based On Parsing Generated Test Data, in: Post-proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Software Language Engineering (SLE 2011), Braga, Portugal, U. Aßmann, A. Sloane (editors), Springer, Heidelberg, 2012, p. 324 - 343.
http://hal. inria. fr/ hal-00756892 -
21M. Hills, P. Klint, J. Vinju.
Meta-Language Support For Type-Safe Access To External Resources, in: Pre-Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Software Language Engineering, Dresden, Netherlands, K. Czarnecki, G. Hedin (editors), Fakultät Informatik, Technische Universität Dresden, 2012, p. 370 - 389.
http://hal. inria. fr/ hal-00756878 -
22M. Hills, P. Klint, J. Vinju.
Program Analysis Scenarios In Rascal, in: Proceedings of the International Workshop on Rewriting Logic and its Applications (WRLA, 2012), Talinn, Estonia, F. Durán (editor), Springer, 2012, vol. 7571, p. 10 - 30, An invited paper for WRLA 2012, describing our work on program analysis and comparing our approach to approaches based on rewriting logic semantics..
http://hal. inria. fr/ hal-00756880 -
23M. Hills, P. Klint, J. Vinju.
Scripting A Refactoring With Rascal And Eclipse, in: Proceedings of the 5th Workshop on Refactoring Tools 2012, Rapperswil, Switzerland, P. Sommerlad (editor), ACM, 2012, p. 40 - 49.
http://hal. inria. fr/ hal-00756879 -
24P. Klint, L. Roosendaal, R. van Rozen.
Game Developers Need Lua AiR Static Analysis Of Lua Using Interface Models, in: Proceedings of International Conference on Entertainment Computing 2012, Bremen, Germany, R. Malaka, R. Masuch (editors), Springer, 2012, p. 530 - 535.
http://hal. inria. fr/ hal-00758607 -
25A. Loh, T. van der Storm, J. W. Cook.
Managed Data: Modular Strategies For Data Abstraction, in: Proceedings of the ACM international symposium on New ideas, new paradigms, and reflections on programming and software 2012, Tucson, United States, ACM, 2012, p. 179 - 194.
http://hal. inria. fr/ hal-00756886 -
26V. Zaytsev.
BNF WAS HERE: What Have We Done About The Unnecessary Diversity Of Notation For Syntactic Definitions, in: Programming Languages Track, Volume II of the Proceedings of the 27th ACM Symposium on Applied Computing (SAC 2012), Riva del Garda, Italy, M. Mernik, B. Bryant (editors), ACM, 2012, p. 1910 - 1915.
http://hal. inria. fr/ hal-00756890 -
27V. Zaytsev.
Language Evolution, Metasyntactically, in: Pre-proceedings of the First International Workshop on Bidirectional Transformation (BX 2012), Talinn, Estonia, F. Hermann, J. Voigtländer (editors), Institute of Cybernetics at Tallinn University of Technology, 2012.
http://hal. inria. fr/ hal-00756852 -
28V. Zaytsev.
Notation-Parametric Grammar Recovery, in: Pre-proceedings of the 12th International Workshop on Language Descriptions, Tools, and Applications (LDTA 2012), Talinn, Estonia, A. Sloane, S. Andova (editors), Institute of Cybernetics at Tallinn University of Technology, 2012, p. 105 - 118.
http://hal. inria. fr/ hal-00756889 -
29H. van Ditmarsch, J. van Eijck, F. Sietsma, S. Simon.
Modelling Cryptographic Keys In Dynamic Epistemic Logic With DEMO, in: Highlights on Practical Applications of Agents and Multi-Agent Systems, Salamanca, Spain, J. B. Perez (editor), Springer, 2012, vol. 156, p. 155 - 162.
http://hal. inria. fr/ hal-00756869 -
30J. van Eijck, F. Sietsma.
Action Emulation Between Canonical Models, in: Proceedings of Conference on Logic and the Foundations of Game and Decision Theory 2012, Sevilla, Spain, G. Bonanno, H. van Ditmarsch, W. van der Hoek (editors), University of Sevilla, 2012.
http://hal. inria. fr/ hal-00756863 -
31J. van Eijck, F. Sietsma.
Questions About Voting Rules, With Some Answers, in: W16 Workshop on Logical Aspects of Multi-Agent Systems, Valencia, Spain, V. Goranko, W. Jamroga (editors), internet, 2012.
http://hal. inria. fr/ hal-00756866 -
32J. van den Bos, T. van der Storm.
Domain-Specific Optimization In Digital Forensics, in: Proceedings of the International Conference on Model Transformation (ICMT, 2012), Prague, Czech Republic, Z. Hu, J. de Lara (editors), Springer, 2012, vol. 7307, p. 121 - 136.
http://hal. inria. fr/ hal-00756891 -
33T. van der Storm, J. W. Cook, A. Loh.
Object Grammars: Compositional & Bidirectional Mapping Between Text and Graphs, in: Software Language Engineering, Dresden, Germany, K. Czarnecki, G. Hedin (editors), September 2012.
http://hal. inria. fr/ hal-00758627
Scientific Books (or Scientific Book chapters)
34N. Dimitri, J. van Eijck.
Time Discounting And Time Consistency, in: Games, Actions and Social Software, J. van Eijck (editor), Springer, 2012, vol. 7010, p. 29 - 38.
http://hal. inria. fr/ hal-00756874 -
35M. Hills.
Streamlining Policy Creation In Policy Frameworks, in: WADT 2012 Preliminary Proceedings, N. Martì-Oliet, M. Palomino (editors), Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Departamento de Sistemas Informáticos y Computación, 2012, p. 61 - 63.
http://hal. inria. fr/ hal-00756877 -
36J. van Benthem, J. van Eijck, J. Jaspars, H. van Ditmarsch.
Logic In Action, Internet, 2012, 1 p.
http://hal. inria. fr/ hal-00756881 -
37H. van Ditmarsch, J. van Eijck, F. Sietsma.
On The Logic Of Lying, in: Games, Actions and Social Software, J. van Eijck, R. Verbrugge (editors), Springer, 2012, vol. 7010, p. 41 - 72.
http://hal. inria. fr/ hal-00756875 -
38J. van Eijck, R. Verbrugge.
Games, Actions And Social Software, Springer, 2012, vol. 7010, 1 p.
http://hal. inria. fr/ hal-00756872 -
39J. van Eijck, F. Sietsma.
Questions About Voting Rules, With Some Answers, in: Logic and Interactive Rationality: Yearbook 2011, A. Baltag (editor), ILLC, Amsterdam, 2012.
http://hal. inria. fr/ hal-00756864 -
40J. van Eijck.
Perception And Change In Update Logic, in: Perception and Change in Update Logic, J. van Eijck, R. Verbrugge (editors), Springer, 2012, vol. 7010, p. 119 - 140.
http://hal. inria. fr/ hal-00756873
Internal Reports
41V. Zaytsev.
Guided Grammar Convergence. Full Case Study Report. Generated By Converge::Guided, Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica, 2012, no arXiv-abs/1207.6541, p. 1 - 44.
http://hal. inria. fr/ hal-00756853 -
42V. Zaytsev.
Negotiated Grammar Transformation, Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica, 2012, no XM, p. 1 - 6.
http://hal. inria. fr/ hal-00756850 -
43V. Zaytsev.
Renarrating Linguistic Architecture: A Case Study, Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica, 2012, no MPM-6, p. 1 - 6.
http://hal. inria. fr/ hal-00756851