Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

International Initiatives

Participation in International Programs

FACEPE CM2ID, Brazil 2003-2013

Participants : Yves Lechevallier, Marc Csernel.

During 2012 we start a new collaboration on social network data analysis with F.A.T. De Carvalho from Federal University of Pernambuco (Recife) and two Inria Teams AxIS (Inria Rocquencourt) and Orpailleur (Inria Nancy Grand Es -LORIA).

A scientific project Combining Numerical and Symbolical Methods for the Classification of Multi-valued and Interval Data (CM2ID) submitted by F. De Carvalho and A. Napoli has been accepted by FACEPE and Inria. The project started on january and will end on 12/2013. Researchers and students are concerned by this project from Orpailleu, AxIS and CIn-UFPE side. It aims at developing Numerical and Symbolical methods of clustering on Multi-valued and Interval Data.

This project aims at developing and comparing clustering algorithms for interval and multi-valued data. Two families of algorithms are studied, namely “clustering algorithms” based on the use of a similarity or a distance for comparing the objects, and classification algorithms in Formal Concept Analysis (FCA) based on attribute sharing between objects. The objectives here are to combine the facilities of both families of algorithms for improving the potential of each family in dealing with more complex and voluminous datasets, in order to push the complexity barrier farther in the mining of complex data. Biological data, namely gene expression data, are used for test and evaluation of the combination of algorithms. The project involves three teams, one Brazilian team and two French Inria teams, including specialists of clustering and classification methods. Thus the complementarity of the teams is ensured and, in addition, close contacts exist with experts of the domain of data for carrying on a complete evaluation of the results obtained by the combined algorithms expected to be designed during the project.

Participation to Standards in Ergonomics

Participant : Dominique Scapin [correspondant] .

Standardization in ergonomics is increasingly important due to the application of the European directives about the introduction of measures to encourage improvements in the safety and health of workers (e.g., 2006/42CE on security of machinery); as well as taking into consideration national and international legislation, including accessibility. Standardization in ergonomics covers many issues. The contributions from AxIS (D. L. Scapin)at Inria concern mainly software ergonomics, in the context of AFNOR X35A, X35E, as well as ISO mirror groups:

  • National: AFNOR X35A (Ergonomie) (expert); AFNOR X35E (Ergonomie des Logiciels Interactifs), AFNOR groupe de travail "Normes de processus ergonomiques" (chair) [41] .

  • International: ISO/TC 159/SC4/WG5 (Software ergonomics and human-computer dialogues) (expert); ISO/TC 159/SC4/WG6 (Human-centred design processes for interactive systems) (expert); ISO/TC 159/SC4/WG9 (Tactile and Haptic Interactions) (expert); ISO/TC 159/SC4/WG28 (System and software product Quality Requirements and Evaluation - Common industry Format) (expert); ISO/TC 159/SC1/WG1 (Ergonomic principles) (expert).