Section: Partnerships and Cooperations
European Initiatives
FP7 Projects
STREP ELLIOT (2010 - 2013)
Participants : Anne-Laure Negri, Mylène Leitzelman, Bernard Senach, Caroline Tiffon, Brigitte Trousse [correspondant] .
See also:
Abstract: The ELLIOT project (Experiential Living Labs for the Internet of Things) aims at developing an Internet Of Things (IOT) experiential platform where users/citizen are directly involved in co-creating, exploring and experimenting new ideas, concepts and technological artifacts related to IOT applications and services. Based on a three levels experiential model issued from previous European projects, the study will capitalize on existing practices of co-creation in IoT contexts. It will allow the exploration of the potential impact of IOT and of the Future Internet in the context of the Open User Centered Innovation paradigm followed in the Living Lab approach.
This year we conducted the following activities:
3 co-conception workshops (1 group of health and/or air professionals) were held in order to identify the ideas and positions of professionals related to potential internet of things services based on air and noise measurements. These workshops took place in Nice during spring 2012; both Aloha! and GenIoT co-creation methods were used and an evaluation of these methods is reported in Section 6.5.2 and [56] .
An experiment with IoT probe (a fake green watch) was run in order to test the online diary and data analysis.
Specification of the methodology for user experience measurement for Green Services Use case and application for delivrables [50] , [63] .
Implementation of MyGreenServices application which collects IoT data from electric cars and citizens sensors and provides some services such as alerts. Usage data are stored in order to be sent to the ELLIOT platform.
Development of Focuslab V1.3 (cf. section 6.6 ) in relation to the ELLIOT platform..
Contribution to a lot of deliverables, five public [47] , [46] , [55] , [50] , [63] and three others.
Co-organisation of two workshops on user experience measurement (KSB model, use cases, data analysis) at Inria Sophia Antipolis and one general meeting dedicated to ELLIOT partners.
ICT CSA FIREBALL (2010 - 2012)
Participants : Marc Pallot, Brigitte Trousse [correspondant] , Caroline Tiffon, Bernard Senach.
Defi: Future Internet Experimental Facility and Experimentally-driven Research
Others partners: AALTO (Finland), AENESCEN (Italy), MCC (United Kingdom), SAIM (Netherlands), ESADE (Spain), ALFAMICRO (Portugal), ISA (Portugal), E-NOVA (Portugal ) HK (Finland), Inria (France), DIMES (Finland), IBBT (Belgium), AUTH (Greece), OY (Finland), IMAGES & RESEAUX (France), BCN (Spain)
Abstract: FIREBALL (Future Internet Research and Experimentation By Adopting Living Labs - towards Smart Cities) is a coordination action which establishes a coordination mechanism through which a network of Smart Cities across Europe engages in long term collaboration for adopting User Driven Open Innovation to explore the opportunities of the Future Internet.
We mainly have collaborations with Prof. Dr Nicos Komninos (Faculty of Engineering, Aristotle University of Thessaloni, Greece) and Hans Schaffers (Expert at ESoCE Net, Director of Adventure research, Nederlands) for the two scientific publications [26] , the white paper [59] and the delivrables D1.2 [58] and D2.1 [60] .
This year we finalize a contribution (about 25 pages) on Paca Region - Sophia Antipolis - Nice Côte d'Azur Assets Case Study for a Fireball deliverable [58] .
SSH CSA IDEAS (2010 - 2012)
Participants : Yves Lechevallier [correspondant] , Marc Csernel, Ehab Assan.
Others partners: Institute of Ethnology of the University of Turku, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, British Academy, Asien-Afrika-Institut of the University of Hamburg, Istituto italiano per l'Africa e l'Oriente (IsIAO).
Abstract: The overall objective of IDEAS is to make progress in coordinating and bringing together academic research, researchers and policy-makers. IDEAS will make use of the expertise and resources of a recently created network, the European Consortium for Asian Field Study (ECAF), which comprises 44 research institutions from ten EU countries and nine Asian countries and Russia, which specialize in Asian studies, and a network of 22 field research centers run by ECAF members across Asia. The task attributed to Inria was to provide the pilot of a website devoted to the presentation of Asian manuscripts (France)
The contribution of Axis was not only a pilot, as requested within the contract, but also a methodology leading to the construction of a smart search engine dedicated to the pilot. As a prototype website we took the IsIAO website according to our partner's wishes and because it was an opportunity to get together, at the same place, a set of manuscripts and large collection of photographs: the Tucci's collection. The Tucci's collection was a good opportunity to test our methodology and our search engine. The main goal of our search engine is to provide a "reasonable" amount of answers whatever the question is.
The reason of the construction of this search engine was the observation of a lot of orientalist websites, included the most famous one the such IDP (International Dunhuang Project). We find that after a query done by a naive user (one of us) most of the time we obtained either no answer, either a lot too much of them. This was a strong motivation and our pilot tested on the Tucci's collection provide now a "reasonable" amount of answers either according to one of our queries.
Collaborations in European Programs, except FP7
COST TwinTide (2010-2013)
Participant : Dominique Scapin [correspondant] .
Project title: Towards the Integration of Transectorial IT De- sign and Evaluation
Coordinator: Effie Lai-Chong Law - Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH Zürich), Switzerland (CH) / University of Leicester, UK
Other partners: see
Abstract: Towards the Integration of Transectorial IT De- sign and Evaluation is a usability and user experience research community running under the auspices of COST ( ). The main objective is to harmonize research and practice on design and evaluation methodologies for computing artifacts, across sectors and disciplines, bringing together researchers and D&E professionals.
B. Trousse managed several actions related to EIT ICT Labs:
Participation at the Living Lab Business Models Coaching and Best-practice Sharing workshop (Telecom italia lab, Turin, April 2-3) organised by the Experience & Living Labs (E&LL) catalyst of the Research component of the european institute EIT ICT Labs
Interaction with Khaldoun El Agha, Valerie Issarny, Olivier Festor and Bruno le Dantec related to the action line called “Digital Cities of the Future” and Proposition of an invited talk at ICC 2012 .
Participation at the submission at the ICT Labs call (2013) related to E&LL catalyst (which was accepted).