Section: Dissemination
Animation of the Scientific Community
General Audience
B. Senach' talk at WUD 2012 [68] : "Experience is a back hooked lantern that shed light on the travelled path". Current and future research topics are better understood when envisioned within the global framework of societal demands and in relation with historical evolution. For the 2012 World Usability Day event, an overview of the last 40 years research topics in SHS-STIC has been proposed. This presentation showed first how current scientific studies of user experience are linked to a paradigm shift in the 90s' concerning the initially too simplistic relationship between SHS and STIC. From this conceptual crisis emerged in each field (SHS and STIC) specific research tracks and an enlarged model of Human behavior including, among others, social relationships, shared activities, emotions, etc. As expertise in user interface design and evaluation improved in relation with technical development, new societal challenge araised with new methodological requirements.
First the European community turn towards knowledge economy put stress on open innovation and living lab methodology as a way to accelerate new products and services adoption. Ethno methodology nowadays is more and more used and the field of Service Design has emerged as a domain integrating most of tools and methods previously used for user interface and user experience design.
In addition, the European Community orientation towards sustainable development brought other requirements concerning deep change of the way of living in occidental society. As it is necessary to adopt eco behavior for resources consumption, mobility and others daily activities, the focus is now on levers helping people to change their behavior. Persuasive interface are a promising research aera. The B. Senach'video presentation at WUD2012 is also available on line on dailymotion.
TIC TAC: co-organisation of the final event (may, large audience) related to the PREDIT Tic Tac at ADEME (Sophia Antipolis) in order to report the results of the project and announce the five citizen, winners of the experiment. Around 40 people participated to this event.
ECOFAMILIES: co-organisation of the final event (large audience) at CSTB (Sophia Antipolis) related to the PACALABS ECOFAMILIES project (cf. section 8.1.4 and the final report [61] . A documentary film has been produced during the project by Natacha Cyrulnik (I3M) and the « Compagnie des Embruns »: this movie offers a testimonial of the participatory design process and shows the families implication all along the project. This project was also the subject of 19-20 journal at France 3 on October 17th. An article on the ECOFAMILIES project - how to promote energy-aware behaviors at home was published on BuildUP and is shared in various social networks (linkedIn, twitter, facebook).An executive summary of the project (english version) was put on the ICT Usage Lab Web site.
B. Trousse gave a talk on Ecoffices: the usages aspect (April 19th, Brignoles) in the context of the working group Smart grid in PACA (common to two clusters, SCS and Cap Energies clusters).
Co-redaction of a flyer (english version) related to the PACALABS ECOFFICES project for the experts of IGSAN during the conferences in Nice distributed by “Chambre de Commerce et industrie” (Enterprise/Environment/Energy Department) ISGAN - CCI.
Editorial Boards and Reviewing
Axis members participate in the editorial boards of various journals:
Brigitte Trousse
Yves Lechevallier
MODULAD (electronic journal), as co-editor
Dominique Scapin
BIT (Behaviour & Information Technology) as Associate Editor
UAIS -International Journal of Universal Access in the Information Society)
IJPOP - International Journal of People-Oriented Programming
AxIS members are very regularly reviewers for various major journals: ADAC "Advances in Data Analysis and Classification", BIT, ADAC "Advances in Data Analysis and Classification", IJHCS (International Journal of Human-Computer Studies), JMUI (Journal of Multimodal User Interfaces), Le Travail Humain, UAIS, IwC in 2012.
Thierry Despeyroux was reviewer for a book: Advances in Knowledge Discovery and Management Vol. 4 to be published.
D.L. Scapin participated to the content setting and wrote a "Foreword" for the compilation of ergonomic standards by AFNOR: Ergonomie des Logiciels. Recueil de Normes Ergonomie des postes et lieux de travail, AFNOR November 2012.
Conferences/Workshops Scientific Program Committees
Y. Lechevallier and B. Trousse are members of the supervising committee of the association EGC ( )
Yves Lechevallier was scientific chair of EGC 2012 [39] , Bordeaux, France, January 31 - February 3, 2012
AxIS permanent members are involved in the following program committees of conferences and workshops:
Brigitte Trousse
CSCWD 2012, the 2012 16th IEEE International Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work in Desig, Wuhan, China , 23-25 may, (sponsored by IEEE SMC Society)
RàPC 2012, 20th French Workshop on Case-based Reasoning, 25 june, Paris.
Yves Lechevallier
Dominique Scapin
Workshop "Supportive User Interfaces", Copenhagen, Denmark - June 25, 2012, in conjunction with the EICS 2012 conference
Organization of Workshops and Conferences
Yves Lechevallier was scientific chair of EGC 2012, Bordeaux, France, January 31 - February 3 [39] .
B. Trousse (as Inria and ICT Usage Lab representative) participated in the ICC 2012 program committee in charge of the invited talks. Our two propsoed speakers were selected for the final program (June 7th): Michael Nilsson coordinator of the FIreball project (CDT, Luleå University of Technology) and Khaldoun El Agha (University Paris 8 and ICT labs).
Participation in PhD Thesis Committees
AxIS researchers were members of the following Ph.D. committees in 2012:
Julie Seguela, Ph.D.: Fouille de données textuelles et systèmes de recommandation appliqués aux offres d'emploi diffusées sur le web. CNAM, école doctorale EDITE, May 3, 2012: Y. Lechevallier (Examinateur).
Jean-Baptiste Masson, Ph.D.: SIGFRIED 2 : Modèles de mélange censurés et autres méthodes statistiques pour la construction d'indicateurs spatialisables de la qualité de l'air intérieur dans les logements français. Université de Technologie de Compiègne, May 30, 2012: Y. Lechevallier (Rapporteur).
Annette Casagrande, Ph.D.: Proposition d'une mesure de voisinage entre textes: Application à la veille stratégique. Université de Grenoble, école doctorale MSTII, July 3, 2012: Y. Lechevallier (Examinateur).
Thomas Villaren, Ph.D.: « Modèles et mécanismes d’adaptation d’Interaction Homme-Machine aux changements de contexte », Université de Bretagne, Département : Logique des Usages, Sciences Sociales et de l’Information (LUSSI), spécialité « STIC », November 30, 2012: D. L. Scapin (Rapporteur).
Jacques-Henri Sublemontier , Ph.D.: Classification non supervisée : de la multiplicité des données à la multiplicité des analyses. Université d'Orléans, December 7, 2012: Y. Lechevallier (Rapporteur).
Djamal Adboul Nasser Seck, Ph.D.: Arbres de décision symboliques, outils de validation et d'aide à l'interprétation. Université Paris-IX Dauphine, December 20, 2012: Y. Lechevallier (Rapporteur).