Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

Regional Initiatives

PREDIT (ADEME) TIC TAC (2010 - 2012)

Participants : Carole Goffart, Guillaume Pilot, Bernard Senach, Brigitte Trousse, Florian Bonacina.

  • Title: TIC TAC

  • Type: PREDIT groupe 3, Mobilité dans les régions urbaines

  • Challenge: Information and Communication Technologies – Transportation

  • Instrument: Mobilité dans les régions urbaines

  • Duration: 2010 - March 2012

  • Coordinator: VuLOG

  • Others partners: MHC Conseils

  • Abstract: TICTAC project aims at providing an advanced travellers' information system in which real time information about waiting time at bus stop will be avalaible: users define their "favourite" and can call a vocal server which give them immediately the requested information.

This year, we conducted a second experimentation with an improved version of real-time information system. Main modification were : a lighter interaction with the vocal server, simpler registration procedure, on-line memo …The experiment started in January 2012 and lasted till end of February and 62 people registrated to the experiment [57] . The quantitative log analysis was articulated with two appreciation questionnaires. Results show that there was few access to the vocal server and a small rise of web server consultation in comparison with the first experimentation. The error rate and the response time were rather high and the users didn't have a very good experience with the service. The service was acknowledged as very useful and the user interface was perceived as easy to use but TICTAC didn't met its users expectations: very few of them used it on a daily basis [52] , [51] .

The second experimentation was also a good opportunity to test our new approach of co-creation and we conducted a workshop with users to identify functionalities of a real-time traveler information system and to test a first mock-up.


Participants : Florian Bonacina, Bernard Senach, Brigitte Trousse, Yves Lechevallier, Nicolas Béchet, Ehab Hassan.


  • Type: PACALABS

  • Challenge: Referencing Accomodation Web Sitesi in PACA Region

  • Instrument: PACALABS (Paca Region and FEDER fundings)

  • Duration: October 2010 - May 2012

  • Coordinator: Full performance

  • Others partners : General Council of Maritim Alps

  • This project is conducted with Full Performance, a SME specialized in Web site referencing. It aims at improving hinterland tourism and hotel-keepers as well as tourists are involved in the experimentation. Experiments of different new referencing rules are conducted with Web site visitors in order to study their effect on behavioral changes and on touristic choices. The experimentation consists in three stages: current referencing rules are first studied and their efficiency estimated through eye-tracking experiments. Then new rules are explored and tested with users. When the convenient new rules are selected, their efficiency is evaluated through data mining analysis and qualitative studies.

Due to some delay in the experiment (mainly tag installation, data access), our task related to data analysis was postponed until May 2012. This year we conducted several eye tracking studies on different sites ( general council 06 in Nice, Draguignan citizen space, Inria) in order to understand the visual search behavior when looking for ill-defined or well defined targets on a Google results page. The results show that commercial ads are rarely looked at and that for the intended users (touristic hosts) a good natural referencing is more efficient than commercial ads. The impact of ergonomic recommendations about web site users interface provided to hotel and restaurant owners participating in the project was evaluated. The pool showed that the participant had a deeper understanding of on line referencing and awareness of the weight of usability quality [54] , [44] , [42] , [43] , [45] .


Participants : Guillaume Pilot, Yves Lechevallier, Bernard Senach, Brigitte Trousse [correspondant] .

  • Title: ECOFFICES

  • Type: PACALABS

  • Challenge: Energy Challenge within Offices

  • Instrument: PACALABS (Paca Region and FEDER fundings)

  • Duration: august 2010 - november 2011

  • Coordinator: Osmose

  • Others partners: CASA, CSTB

  • See also: http://www.ecoffices.com/

  • Abstract: ECOFFICES is an eco-challenge within an enterprise: offices are equipped with sensors and actuators. Actions of employees on actuators are registered and consumption behaviors are tracked. The experimentation consists in three successive stages: data are first recorded during the usual work of the challengers, then feed-back is provided through user interface and in the challenge phase, 3 teams are competing to reach the best economy level. After the challenge, registered data are analysed to study the change of practices, if any. The goal of the project is to provoke behavioral changes and our team is in charge of the evaluation.

The ECOFFICES project based on the concept of energy challenge in tertiary sector ended officially in november 2011, but due to the complexity of cleaning data before data analysis, we analysed usage data and IoT data up to February 2012. The final assessment showed that the participation rate was higher than expected. The most notable behavior change at the office concerns a declared increase of switching off of aircon and electrical devices when leaving the office for a long time. At the end of the challenge, participants were not convinced about effective savings and the sustainability of emergent eco-behaviour is questioned. Our main contribution is described in Section  6.5.3 and reported in three main deliverables related to the qualitative and quantitative analysis of experimental data, which are summarised in [64] and the final report [62] .


Participants : Xavier Augros, Florian Bonacina, Brigitte Trousse [correspondant] .


  • Type: PACALABS

  • Challenge: Design by end users of an user interface for energy savings

  • Instrument: PACALABS (Paca Region and FEDER fundings)

  • Duration: October 2011 - October 2012

  • Coordinator: CSTB

  • Others partners : University of Nice Sophia Antipolis (I3M), NCA

  • See also: http://www.ictusagelab.fr/projet/ecofamilies fro a summary of the mainoutcomes of the project.

  • The ECOFAMILIES project has proposed to prototype and experiment an innovative technological solution to promote energy-aware behaviors at home, through a participatory design approach. A web-based user interface has been developed by SME Ekenos (Italy). It provides a set of customized contents, ranging from basic information to proposal of actions aiming at reducing energy consumption.

    ICT Usage Lab (cf. section  8.1.8 ) was a sponsor partner and was represented in this project by AxIS team for advices on the experimentation and co-design protocol (through the supervising committee) and various supports to partners related to the dissemination via the Web site, to the workshop animation and Focuslab tools (Sphinx tool, Eye-tracker, ) and to the redaction of some deliverables (D2,D3, D3.2 and the final report [61] ).

    For some pictures of such workshops: http://www.flickr.com/photos/ecofamilies/ ECOFAMILIES Was presented during a report at TV during the 19-20 journal France 3 on October 17. See also a summary of the project ECOFAMILIES on the Web site [69] .

CPER Telius - FocusLab (2008 - 2013)

Participants : Xavier Augros, Guillaume Pilot, Brigitte Trousse [correspondant] .

This grant, funded by Regional and European support, covers 3 areas: an experimental platform for research on telecomnumication networks, a software and informatics platform (including a virtual reality environment, a medical imaging platform, and a peer-to-peer computing grid), and an experimental platform on the usage of information systems. AxIS is being funded through the experimental platform on the usage of information systems called Focus (and renamed FocusLab) (cf. section  6.6 ).

Projects using elements of the FocusLab platform are reported in [70] . The following list identifies AxIS projects where our platform was used: TIC TAC, ECOFFICES, ECOFAMILIES. In addition to others Inria teams (WIMMICS, REVES), we can cite external organisations/teams: I3M laboratory from university of Nice Sophia Antipolis, CSTB (Sophia Antipolis), the Ergonauts Association, Elliot partners such as BIBA (Germany) and HSR ( Italy).


Participant : Brigitte Trousse [correspondant] .

Our activities on Internet of things (IoT), Environment and Health&Well Being, mainly leaded in the context of the european ELLIOT Project (cf. section ) are related to “Environment and health”, one of the three topics of the Mediterannean Institute of Risks, Environment and Sustainable development (IMREDD (IMREDD: Institut Méditerranéen des Risques,de l'Environnement et du Développement Durable) in French). This institute is in relation to the EcoCampus of the OIN (Opération d'intérêt National de la Plaine du var (University of Nice Sophia Antipolis and Nice Côte d'Azur Metropole).

URL: htmladdnormallinkhttp://unice.fr/universite/imredd http://unice.fr/universite/imredd.

Labex UCN@Sophia

Participant : Brigitte Trousse.

  • Title: User-Centered Network

  • URL: http://www.ucnlab.eu/

  • Instrument: Labex

  • Coordinator: University of Nice - Sophia Antipolis

  • Others partners: I3S (UNS / CNRS), LEAT (UNS / CNRS), Inria, EURECOM

  • Abstract: The Labex UCN@Sophia proposes a research program for researchers of the ICT Campus at Sophia Antipolis, program motivated by a vision which positions the user at the centre of the network. Five scientific and strategic directions are proposed: a) Data Centric Networking, b) Distributed and Ubiquitous Computing, c) Security, privacy and network neutrality, d) Infrastructures: Heterogeneity and Efficiency and e) Energy Efficiency. Two application domains have been selected: e-Health to allow persons with reduced autonomy to retain at home and Intelligent Transport Systems.

AxIS is mainly concerned by Intelligent Transport Systems (mainly by co-creating ITS applications with users and stakeholders) and potentially all the research directions involving users. AxIS experience in ITS domain is based on various projects (c. section  4.2 ).

ICT Usage Lab

Participants : Brigitte Trousse [correspondant] , Bernard Senach.

This year was rich in concrete projects with experiments with citizens or professionals for various members of ICT Usage Lab: CSTB, I3M (UNiversity of Nice Sophia Antipolis) and AxIS (Inria).

The FocusLab platform (CPER Telius 8.1.5 ) has been avalaible to ICT Usage Lab projects and toother expriments by academics or association of PACA region: EPI Reves (Inria), CSTB, I3M 5university of Nice) and the association Ergonautes.

ICT Usage Lab was partner of the Innovatice City Convention event organised in June 2012 (Nice Côte d'Azur): http://www.innovative-city.fr/partenaires/partners/ . In this context we invited two speakers for ICC 2012: Michael Nilsson (CDT, Lulea, Finland) and Khaldoun El Agha (ICT Labs - EIT, Paris).

ICT Usage Lab have several dissemination activities related to ECOFAMILIES, ECOFFICES and ELLIOT projects at the europena level.

ICT Usage Lab was co-founder of the Association France Living Labs (cf. section  8.2.4 ).

Let us note the visit of Noel Conryut from the living lab for Teaching and Learning (Island of the Reunion) at the end of december in order to identify collaboration topics with our living lab.

Involvement in Regions

PACA Region

  • B. Trousse as Inria representative is a member of the expert committee of the PACALABS and of the strategic committee of the PACALABS orientation of the Regional Council.

  • B. Trousse and B. Senach are members of the coordination committee of the ICT Usage Lab (Inria, CSTB, Orange Labs and UNS).

  • B. Senach and B. Trousse pursued the reactivation started in 2008 of the living lab ICT Usage Lab by increasing our contacts with territories and academics disseminating the living lab approach and/or involving them as supporters or partners of experiments. This year, in addition to previous contacts (NCA, CASA, CG06) we had fruitful meetings with PAP (Pôle Azur Provence, a cluster of hinterland territorial communities) to set up collaboration about ecological behaviour changes and with CG06 about eco-tourism. Inside ICT Usage Lab, we had contcats with I3M (University of Sophia Antipolis) involved in the ECOFAMILIES project. See the activities of ICT usage lab (cf. section  8.1.8 ).

  • B. Senach, G. Pilot and B. Trousse had contact with ADEME and CASA in order to promote the real-time traveler information system MOBILTIC which capitalized on the TicTac Project.

  • B. Trousse (Inria and ICT Usage Lab representative) was member of the program committee of Innovative City Convention (ICC) 2012 (Nice).

  • AxIS as responsible of Elliot experiments has established relations with the Environment department of the urban community of Nice Côte d'Azur (NCA) and CHU Nice in order to organize co-creation workshops.

  • B. Trousse gave a talk about ECOFFICES project at the smart grid group (Cap Energies and SCS clusters).

  • B. Trousse met in january Stéphane Delalaye from Arsenic association (PACA). Following this contact, we have the opportunity to organise one experiment for HOTEL-REF-PACA in a citizen space at Draguignan (ERIC) and another one for the ELLIOT project in the Hublot (ERIC, Nice).

  • AXIS organised two Elliot workshops for professionnels (Health & Environment) in the Environment department of Nice Côte d'Azur (cf. section ).

Midi Pyrénées Region

  • AxIS (C. Detraux and D. L. Scapin) are involved in ANR-PIMI project (cf. section  8.2.1 ) where the Midi-Pyrénées region and IUT Tarbes are pilot-partners.