Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

National Initiatives


  • PAGDEG: Causes and consequences of protein aggregation in cellular degeneration, a three-year project (2009-20012), Call “PIRIBIO”. Supervisor: A. Lindner (INSERM, Paris) ; Other participants: Y. Chen (ENS Paris), L. Moisan (Univ. Paris 5). Participants: Hugues Berry, Anne-Sophie Coquel

  • Stochagene (2011-2014). Objective: identify the molecular basis of the stochasticity of gene expression in eukaryotic cells. Partners: CGPhyMC (Olivier Gandrillon, Lyon, Leader), Genethon (Andras Paldi, Evry). Participants: G Beslon, H Berry, Gael Kaneko

  • Ancestrome: phylogenetic reconstruction of ancestral "-omes", a five-year project (2012-2016), call "Bioinformatics" of the "Investissements d'avenir". Supervisor: V. Daubin (CNRS, LBBE, Lyon) ; with Institut Pasteur, ENS Paris, ISEM (Univ Montpellier 2) Participant: E Tannier


  • H Berry participates to a PEPII (Projets exploratoires pluridisciplinaires inter-instituts) called NeoBG: towards a biologically realistic theory of reinforcement learning, 2011-2012, Supervisor : B. Delord (Univ. P & M Curie, Paris). With Ph. Faure and L. Venance (College de France, Paris)

  • Carole Knibbe coordinated in 2011 and 2012 a PEPII (Projets exploratoires pluridisciplinaires inter-instituts) called "Analyser, simuler et expérimenter l’évolution des génomes bactériens". The aim of the project was to study the dynamics and the evolvability of bacterial genomes by combining "wet" evolution experiments, individual-based simulations, mathematical models and bioinfomatics of real genomes. The total budget was 50 k€. The involved teams were, beside Beagle, Dynamics and evolution of the bacterial genome / Laboratoire Adaptation et Pathogénie des Microorganismes (LAPM, CNRS UMR5163, Grenoble), Modélisation mathématique et calcul scientifique / Institut Camille Jordan (ICJ, CNRS UMR5208, Lyon), Algorithmique et ordonnancement pour plates-formes hétérogènes distribuées / Laboratoire de l’Informatique du Parallélisme (LIP, CNRS UMR5668, Lyon), and Bioinformatique et génomique évolutive / Laboratoire de Biométrie et Biologie Evolutive (LBBE, CNRS UMR5558, Lyon)

  • E Tannier participates to a PEPS (Projet exploratoire premier soutien) called C1P: algorithmics of 1D structures, 2012-2013. Supervisor: M. Raffinot (CNRS, LIAFA, Paris), involved teams from Marne-la-Vallée, Nantes, Marseille, Bordeaux, Lyon.